Results for: "match"

Start emitting a YAML map with anchor, tag, an implicit start and end, and style.

See Psych::Handler#start_mapping

Emit the end of a mapping.

See Psych::Handler#end_mapping

Builds a methods for level meth.

Guesses the type of the data which have been inputed into the stream. The returned value is either BINARY, ASCII, or UNKNOWN.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

Returns the major part of File_Stat#dev or nil.

File.stat("/dev/fd1").dev_major   #=> 2
File.stat("/dev/tty").dev_major   #=> 5

Returns the major part of File_Stat#rdev or nil.

File.stat("/dev/fd1").rdev_major   #=> 2
File.stat("/dev/tty").rdev_major   #=> 5

Iterates over keys and objects in a weakly referenced object

Iterates over keys and objects in a weakly referenced object

Iterates over keys and objects in a weakly referenced object

Returns the absolute path of this instruction sequence.

nil if the iseq was evaluated from a string.

For example, using ::compile_file:

# /tmp/method.rb
def hello
  puts "hello, world"

# in irb
> iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file('/tmp/method.rb')
> iseq.absolute_path #=> /tmp/method.rb
No documentation available

The mixed mode default is to treat a list of indices as row access, returning the rows indicated. Anything else is considered columnar access. For columnar access, the return set has an Array for each row with the values indicated by the headers in each Array. You can force column or row mode using by_col!() or by_row!().

You cannot mix column and row access.

Creates a Regexp to match an address.

The main loop performed by a DRbServer’s internal thread.

Accepts a connection from a client, and starts up its own thread to handle it. This thread loops, receiving requests from the client, invoking them on a local object, and returning responses, until the client closes the connection or a local method call fails.

No documentation available

Maximum number of times to retry an idempotent request in case of Net::ReadTimeout, IOError, EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::EPIPE, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Timeout::Error. Should be a non-negative integer number. Zero means no retries. The default value is 1.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Adds an authenticator for Net::IMAP#authenticate. auth_type is the type of authentication this authenticator supports (for instance, “LOGIN”). The authenticator is an object which defines a process() method to handle authentication with the server. See Net::IMAP::LoginAuthenticator, Net::IMAP::CramMD5Authenticator, and Net::IMAP::DigestMD5Authenticator for examples.

If auth_type refers to an existing authenticator, it will be replaced by the new one.

Similar to search(), but returns unique identifiers.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 2093