Results for: "module_function"

Returns an array of the names of singleton methods for obj. If the optional all parameter is true, the list will include methods in modules included in obj. Only public and protected singleton methods are returned.

module Other
  def three() end

class Single
  def Single.four() end

a =


class << a
  include Other
  def two()

Single.singleton_methods    #=> [:four]
a.singleton_methods(false)  #=> [:two, :one]
a.singleton_methods         #=> [:two, :one, :three]

Similar to method, searches singleton method only.

class Demo
  def initialize(n)
    @iv = n
  def hello()
    "Hello, @iv = #{@iv}"

k =
def k.hi
  "Hi, @iv = #{@iv}"
m = k.singleton_method(:hi)   #=> "Hi, @iv = 99"
m = k.singleton_method(:hello) #=> NameError

Hadamard product

Matrix[[1,2], [3,4]].hadamard_product(Matrix[[1,2], [3,2]])
  => 1  4
     9  8
No documentation available

Returns the inner product of this vector with the other.

Vector[4,7].inner_product Vector[10,1]  => 47

Returns the cross product of this vector with the others.

Vector[1, 0, 0].cross_product Vector[0, 1, 0]   => Vector[0, 0, 1]

It is generalized to other dimensions to return a vector perpendicular to the arguments.

Vector[1, 2].cross_product # => Vector[-2, 1]
Vector[1, 0, 0, 0].cross_product(
   Vector[0, 1, 0, 0],
   Vector[0, 0, 1, 0]
)  #=> Vector[0, 0, 0, 1]

Returns an Array of method names which have the option opt.

p FileUtils.collect_method(:preserve) #=> ["cp", "cp_r", "copy", "install"]

Returns the Base64-encoded version of bin. This method complies with RFC 4648. No line feeds are added.

Returns the convertible integer type of the given type. You may optionally specify additional headers to search in for the type. convertible means actually the same type, or typedef’d from the same type.

If the type is an integer type and the convertible type is found, the following macros are passed as preprocessor constants to the compiler using the type name, in uppercase.

For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then convertible_int("foobar_t") would return “unsigned long”, and define these macros:

#define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long

Initializes the MonitorMixin after being included in a class or when an object has been extended with the MonitorMixin

| RelationalExpr (‘<’ | ‘>’ | ‘<=’ | ‘>=’) AdditiveExpr | AdditiveExpr

No documentation available

Invoked as a callback whenever a singleton method is removed from the receiver.

module Chatty
  def Chatty.singleton_method_removed(id)
    puts "Removing #{id.id2name}"
  def     end
  def two()          end
  def Chatty.three() end
  class << self
    remove_method :three
    remove_method :one


Removing three
Removing one

Returns a new lazy enumerator with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in lazy.

["foo", "bar"].lazy.flat_map {|i| i.each_char.lazy}.force
#=> ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]

A value x returned by block is decomposed if either of the following conditions is true:

a) <i>x</i> responds to both each and force, which means that
   <i>x</i> is a lazy enumerator.
b) <i>x</i> is an array or responds to to_ary.

Otherwise, x is contained as-is in the return value.

[{a:1}, {b:2}].lazy.flat_map {|i| i}.force
#=> [{:a=>1}, {:b=>2}]

Returns a hash of default options used by the Ruby iseq compiler.

For details, see InstructionSequence.compile_option=.

Sets the default values for various optimizations in the Ruby iseq compiler.

Possible values for options include true, which enables all options, false which disables all options, and nil which leaves all options unchanged.

You can also pass a Hash of options that you want to change, any options not present in the hash will be left unchanged.

Possible option names (which are keys in options) which can be set to true or false include:

Additionally, :debug_level can be set to an integer.

These default options can be overwritten for a single run of the iseq compiler by passing any of the above values as the options parameter to ::new, ::compile and ::compile_file.

Remove previously defined command-line argument name.

Handle the given list of arguments by parsing them and recording the results.

No documentation available

Initialize WIN32OLE object(ActiveX Control) by calling IPersistMemory::InitNew.

Before calling OLE method, some kind of the ActiveX controls created with MFC should be initialized by calling IPersistXXX::InitNew.

If and only if you received the exception “HRESULT error code: 0x8000ffff catastrophic failure”, try this method before invoking any ole_method.

obj ="ProgID_or_GUID_of_ActiveX_Control")

Returns the method identifier for the given object.

class A
  include ObjectSpace

  def foo
    trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{allocation_class_path(obj)}##{allocation_method_id(obj)}"
end #=> "Class#new"

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Sets whether or not to ignore case on completion.

Returns true if completion ignores case. If no, returns false.

NOTE: Returns the same object that is specified by Readline.completion_case_fold= method.

require "readline"

Readline.completion_case_fold = "This is a String."
p Readline.completion_case_fold # => "This is a String."

The file name and line number of the caller of the caller of this method.

depth is how many layers up the call stack it should go.


def a; Gem.location_of_caller; end a #=> [“x.rb”, 2] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)

def b; c; end def c; Gem.location_of_caller(2); end b #=> [“x.rb”, 6] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)

Invokes the given block once for each element of self.

Creates a new array containing the values returned by the block.

See also Enumerable#collect.

If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.

a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
a.collect { |x| x + "!" }         #=> ["a!", "b!", "c!", "d!"] { |x, i| x * i } #=> ["", "b", "cc", "ddd"]
a                                 #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
Search took: 2ms  ·  Total Results: 3605