Results for: "Data"

Returns the type library file path.

tlib ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library')
puts tlib.path #-> 'C:\...\EXCEL9.OLB'

Returns a new array that is a one-dimensional flattening of this hash. That is, for every key or value that is an array, extract its elements into the new array. Unlike Array#flatten, this method does not flatten recursively by default. The optional level argument determines the level of recursion to flatten.

a =  {1=> "one", 2 => [2,"two"], 3 => "three"}
a.flatten    # => [1, "one", 2, [2, "two"], 3, "three"]
a.flatten(2) # => [1, "one", 2, 2, "two", 3, "three"]

Returns the current filename. “-” is returned when the current file is STDIN.

For example:

$ echo "foo" > foo
$ echo "bar" > bar
$ echo "glark" > glark

$ ruby argf.rb foo bar glark

ARGF.filename  #=> "foo"   #=> "foo\nb"
ARGF.filename  #=> "bar"
ARGF.filename  #=> "glark"

This method will return a CSV instance, just like CSV::new(), but the instance will be cached and returned for all future calls to this method for the same data object (tested by Object#object_id()) with the same options.

If a block is given, the instance is passed to the block and the return value becomes the return value of the block.

This method wraps a String you provide, or an empty default String, in a CSV object which is passed to the provided block. You can use the block to append CSV rows to the String and when the block exits, the final String will be returned.

Note that a passed String is modified by this method. Call dup() before passing if you need a new String.

The options parameter can be anything CSV::new() understands. This method understands an additional :encoding parameter when not passed a String to set the base Encoding for the output. CSV needs this hint if you plan to output non-ASCII compatible data.

A shortcut for: path, { headers:           true,
                  converters:        :numeric,
                  header_converters: :symbol }.merge(options) )

Taint both the object returned by _getobj_ and self.

Untaint both the object returned by _getobj_ and self.

No documentation available

Explicitly terminate option processing.

Returns true if option processing has terminated, false otherwise.

Returns true if the ipaddr is a private address. IPv4 addresses in, and as defined in RFC 1918 and IPv6 Unique Local Addresses in fc00::/7 as defined in RFC 4193 are considered private.

Returns a new ipaddr built by converting the IPv6 address into a native IPv4 address. If the IP address is not an IPv4-mapped or IPv4-compatible IPv6 address, returns self.

Create a matrix by stacking matrices vertically

x = Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
y = Matrix[[5, 6], [7, 8]]
Matrix.vstack(x, y) # => Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]

Create a matrix by stacking matrices horizontally

x = Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
y = Matrix[[5, 6], [7, 8]]
Matrix.hstack(x, y) # => Matrix[[1, 2, 5, 6], [3, 4, 7, 8]]

Returns the adjugate of the matrix.

Matrix[ [7,6],[3,9] ].adjugate
  => 9 -6
     -3 7

Returns true if this is a unitary matrix Raises an error if matrix is not square.

Returns a new matrix resulting by stacking horizontally the receiver with the given matrices

x = Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
y = Matrix[[5, 6], [7, 8]]
x.hstack(y) # => Matrix[[1, 2, 5, 6], [3, 4, 7, 8]]

Returns a new matrix resulting by stacking vertically the receiver with the given matrices

x = Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
y = Matrix[[5, 6], [7, 8]]
x.vstack(y) # => Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]

Returns the conjugate of the matrix.

Matrix[[Complex(1,2), Complex(0,1), 0], [1, 2, 3]]
  => 1+2i   i  0
        1   2  3
Matrix[[Complex(1,2), Complex(0,1), 0], [1, 2, 3]].conjugate
  => 1-2i  -i  0
        1   2  3
No documentation available

Terminates option parsing. Optional parameter arg is a string pushed back to be the first non-option argument.

No documentation available

Add separator in summary.

This is a convenience method which is same as follows:

  q =, maxwidth, newline, &genspace)
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