Results for: "partition"

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Searches sep or pattern (regexp) in the string from the end of the string, and returns the part before it, the match, and the part after it. If it is not found, returns two empty strings and str.

"hello".rpartition("l")         #=> ["hel", "l", "o"]
"hello".rpartition("x")         #=> ["", "", "hello"]
"hello".rpartition(/.l/)        #=> ["he", "ll", "o"]

Returns garbage collector generation for the given object.

class B
  include ObjectSpace

  def foo
    trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "Generation is #{allocation_generation(obj)}"
end #=> "Generation is 3"

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Reads at most maxlen bytes from the I/O stream. It blocks only if ios has no data immediately available. It doesn’t block if some data available.

If the optional outbuf argument is present, it must reference a String, which will receive the data. The outbuf will contain only the received data after the method call even if it is not empty at the beginning.

It raises EOFError on end of file.

readpartial is designed for streams such as pipe, socket, tty, etc. It blocks only when no data immediately available. This means that it blocks only when following all conditions hold.

When readpartial blocks, it waits data or EOF on the stream. If some data is reached, readpartial returns with the data. If EOF is reached, readpartial raises EOFError.

When readpartial doesn’t blocks, it returns or raises immediately. If the byte buffer is not empty, it returns the data in the buffer. Otherwise if the stream has some content, it returns the data in the stream. Otherwise if the stream is reached to EOF, it raises EOFError.

r, w = IO.pipe           #               buffer          pipe content
w << "abc"               #               ""              "abc".
r.readpartial(4096)      #=> "abc"       ""              ""
r.readpartial(4096)      # blocks because buffer and pipe is empty.

r, w = IO.pipe           #               buffer          pipe content
w << "abc"               #               ""              "abc"
w.close                  #               ""              "abc" EOF
r.readpartial(4096)      #=> "abc"       ""              EOF
r.readpartial(4096)      # raises EOFError

r, w = IO.pipe           #               buffer          pipe content
w << "abc\ndef\n"        #               ""              "abc\ndef\n"
r.gets                   #=> "abc\n"     "def\n"         ""
w << "ghi\n"             #               "def\n"         "ghi\n"
r.readpartial(4096)      #=> "def\n"     ""              "ghi\n"
r.readpartial(4096)      #=> "ghi\n"     ""              ""

Note that readpartial behaves similar to sysread. The differences are:

The latter means that readpartial is nonblocking-flag insensitive. It blocks on the situation IO#sysread causes Errno::EWOULDBLOCK as if the fd is blocking mode.

Reads at most maxlen bytes from the ARGF stream.

If the optional outbuf argument is present, it must reference a String, which will receive the data. The outbuf will contain only the received data after the method call even if it is not empty at the beginning.

It raises EOFError on end of ARGF stream. Since ARGF stream is a concatenation of multiple files, internally EOF is occur for each file. ARGF.readpartial returns empty strings for EOFs except the last one and raises EOFError for the last one.

The standard configuration object for gems.

Use the given configuration object (which implements the ConfigFile protocol) as the standard configuration object.

When invoked with a block, yield all permutations of length n of the elements of the array, then return the array itself.

If n is not specified, yield all permutations of all elements.

The implementation makes no guarantees about the order in which the permutations are yielded.

If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.


a = [1, 2, 3]
a.permutation.to_a    #=> [[1,2,3],[1,3,2],[2,1,3],[2,3,1],[3,1,2],[3,2,1]]
a.permutation(1).to_a #=> [[1],[2],[3]]
a.permutation(2).to_a #=> [[1,2],[1,3],[2,1],[2,3],[3,1],[3,2]]
a.permutation(3).to_a #=> [[1,2,3],[1,3,2],[2,1,3],[2,3,1],[3,1,2],[3,2,1]]
a.permutation(0).to_a #=> [[]] # one permutation of length 0
a.permutation(4).to_a #=> []   # no permutations of length 4
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