Results for: "module_function"

When allow_prerelease is set to true prereleases gems are allowed to match dependencies.

Sets the remote network access for all composed sets.

No documentation available

Remove the oldest DependencyRequest from the list.

Returns a challenge response which asks for authentication information

Returns a challenge response which asks for authentication information

Returns the HTTP status code

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Tries to convert obj into an array, using to_ary method. Returns the converted array or nil if obj cannot be converted for any reason. This method can be used to check if an argument is an array.

Array.try_convert([1])   #=> [1]
Array.try_convert("1")   #=> nil

if tmp = Array.try_convert(arg)
  # the argument is an array
elsif tmp = String.try_convert(arg)
  # the argument is a string

Replaces the contents of self with the contents of other_ary, truncating or expanding if necessary.

a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" ]
a.replace([ "x", "y", "z" ])   #=> ["x", "y", "z"]
a                              #=> ["x", "y", "z"]

Returns an integer identifier for obj.

The same number will be returned on all calls to object_id for a given object, and no two active objects will share an id.

Note: that some objects of builtin classes are reused for optimization. This is the case for immediate values and frozen string literals.

Immediate values are not passed by reference but are passed by value: nil, true, false, Fixnums, Symbols, and some Floats.  ==  # => false
(21 * 2).object_id    == (21 * 2).object_id    # => true
"hello".object_id     == "hello".object_id     # => false
"hi".freeze.object_id == "hi".freeze.object_id # => true

Returns true if obj is an instance of the given class. See also Object#kind_of?.

class A;     end
class B < A; end
class C < B; end

b =
b.instance_of? A   #=> false
b.instance_of? B   #=> true
b.instance_of? C   #=> false

Returns true if obj responds to the given method. Private and protected methods are included in the search only if the optional second parameter evaluates to true.

If the method is not implemented, as Process.fork on Windows, File.lchmod on GNU/Linux, etc., false is returned.

If the method is not defined, respond_to_missing? method is called and the result is returned.

When the method name parameter is given as a string, the string is converted to a symbol.

Deserializes JSON string by converting Real value r, imaginary value i, to a Complex object.

Returns a hash, that will be turned into a JSON object and represent this object.

Stores class name (Complex) along with real value r and imaginary value i as JSON string

Try to convert obj into a String, using to_str method. Returns converted string or nil if obj cannot be converted for any reason.

String.try_convert("str")     #=> "str"
String.try_convert(/re/)      #=> nil

Replaces the contents and taintedness of str with the corresponding values in other_str.

s = "hello"         #=> "hello"
s.replace "world"   #=> "world"

Returns true for a string which has only ASCII characters.

"abc".force_encoding("UTF-8").ascii_only?          #=> true
"abc\u{6666}".force_encoding("UTF-8").ascii_only?  #=> false

Iterates the given block for each element with an arbitrary object, obj, and returns obj

If no block is given, returns a new Enumerator.


to_three = do |y|
  3.times do |x|
    y << x

to_three_with_string = to_three.with_object("foo")
to_three_with_string.each do |x,string|
  puts "#{string}: #{x}"

# => foo:0
# => foo:1
# => foo:2

Deserializes JSON string by constructing new Exception object with message m and backtrace b serialized with to_json

Returns a hash, that will be turned into a JSON object and represent this object.

Stores class name (Exception) with message m and backtrace array b as JSON string

Search took: 11ms  ·  Total Results: 3605