A vertex in a {DependencyGraph} that encapsulates a {#name} and a {#payload}

Read & Write

@return [String] the name of the vertex

Read & Write

@return [Object] the payload the vertex holds

@return [Array<Object>] the explicit requirements that required

this vertex
Read & Write

@return [Boolean] whether the vertex is considered a root vertex

Read & Write

@return [Boolean] whether the vertex is considered a root vertex

Read & Write

@return [Array<Edge>] the edges of {#graph} that have ‘self` as their

Read & Write

@return [Array<Edge>] the edges of {#graph} that have ‘self` as their

Class Methods

Initializes a vertex with the given name and payload. @param [String] name see {#name} @param [Object] payload see {#payload}

Instance Methods

@return [Boolean] whether the two vertices are equal, determined

by a recursive traversal of each {Vertex#successors}

Is there a path from ‘other` to `self` following edges in the dependency graph? @return true iff there is a path following edges within this {#graph}

An alias for path_to?
An alias for ==

@return [Fixnum] a hash for the vertex based upon its {#name}

@return [String] a string suitable for debugging

An alias for ancestor?

Is there a path from ‘self` to `other` following edges in the dependency graph? @return true iff there is a path following edges within this {#graph}

@return [Array<Vertex>] the vertices of {#graph} that have an edge with

`self` as their {Edge#destination}

@return [Array<Vertex>] the vertices of {#graph} where ‘self` is a


@return [Array<Vertex>] the vertices of {#graph} where ‘self` is an


@return [Array<Object>] all of the requirements that required

this vertex

@param [Vertex] other the other vertex to compare to @return [Boolean] whether the two vertices are equal, determined

solely by {#name} and {#payload} equality

@return [Array<Vertex>] the vertices of {#graph} that have an edge with

`self` as their {Edge#origin}