Specifies a Specification object that should be activated. Also contains a dependency that was used to introduce this activation.


The parent request for this activation request.


The specification to be activated.

Class Methods

Creates a new ActivationRequest that will activate spec. The parent request is used to provide diagnostics in case of conflicts.

others_possible indicates that other specifications may also match this activation request.

Instance Methods

Is this activation request for a development dependency?

Downloads a gem at path and returns the file path.

The full name of the specification to be activated.

The Gem::Specification for this activation request.

True if the requested gem has already been installed.

The name of this activation request’s specification

Indicate if this activation is one of a set of possible requests for the same Dependency request.

Return the ActivationRequest that contained the dependency that we were activated for.

An alias for full_name

The version of this activation request’s specification