
SDBM provides a simple file-based key-value store, which can only store String keys and values.

Note that Ruby comes with the source code for SDBM, while the DBM and GDBM standard libraries rely on external libraries and headers.


Insert values:

require 'sdbm' 'my_database' do |db|
  db['apple'] = 'fruit'
  db['pear'] = 'fruit'
  db['carrot'] = 'vegetable'
  db['tomato'] = 'vegetable'

Bulk update:

require 'sdbm' 'my_database' do |db|
  db.update('peach' => 'fruit', 'tomato' => 'fruit')

Retrieve values:

require 'sdbm' 'my_database' do |db|
  db.each do |key, value|
    puts "Key: #{key}, Value: #{value}"


Key: apple, Value: fruit
Key: pear, Value: fruit
Key: carrot, Value: vegetable
Key: peach, Value: fruit
Key: tomato, Value: fruit
Class Methods

Creates a new database handle by opening the given filename. SDBM actually uses two physical files, with extensions ‘.dir’ and ‘.pag’. These extensions will automatically be appended to the filename.

If the file does not exist, a new file will be created using the given mode, unless mode is explicitly set to nil. In the latter case, no database will be created.

If the file exists, it will be opened in read/write mode. If this fails, it will be opened in read-only mode.

If called without a block, this is the same as

If a block is given, the new database will be passed to the block and will be safely closed after the block has executed.


require 'sdbm''my_database') do |db|
  db['hello'] = 'world'
Instance Methods

Returns the value in the database associated with the given key string.

If no value is found, returns nil.

Stores a new value in the database with the given key as an index.

If the key already exists, this will update the value associated with the key.

Returns the given value.

Deletes all data from the database.

Closes the database file.

Raises SDBMError if the database is already closed.

Returns true if the database is closed.

Deletes the key-value pair corresponding to the given key. If the key exists, the deleted value will be returned, otherwise nil.

If a block is provided, the deleted key and value will be passed to the block as arguments. If the key does not exist in the database, the value will be nil.

Iterates over the key-value pairs in the database, deleting those for which the block returns true.

Iterates over each key-value pair in the database.

If no block is given, returns an Enumerator.

Iterates over each key in the database.

If no block is given, returns an Enumerator.

Iterates over each value in the database.

If no block is given, returns an Enumerator.

Returns true if the database is empty.

Returns the value in the database associated with the given key string.

If a block is provided, the block will be called when there is no value associated with the given key. The key will be passed in as an argument to the block.

If no block is provided and no value is associated with the given key, then an IndexError will be raised.

Returns true if the database contains the given key.

Returns true if the database contains the given value.

Returns a Hash in which the key-value pairs have been inverted.


require 'sdbm' 'my_database' do |db|
  db.update('apple' => 'fruit', 'spinach' => 'vegetable')

  db.invert  #=> {"fruit" => "apple", "vegetable" => "spinach"}

Returns the key associated with the given value. If more than one key corresponds to the given value, then the first key to be found will be returned. If no keys are found, nil will be returned.

Returns a new Array containing the keys in the database.

Returns the number of keys in the database.

Creates a new Hash using the key-value pairs from the database, then calls Hash#reject with the given block, which returns a Hash with only the key-value pairs for which the block returns false.

Empties the database, then inserts the given key-value pairs.

This method will work with any object which implements an each_pair method, such as a Hash.

Returns a new Array of key-value pairs for which the block returns true.


require 'sdbm' 'my_database' do |db|
  db['apple'] = 'fruit'
  db['pear'] = 'fruit'
  db['spinach'] = 'vegetable'

  veggies = do |key, value|
    value == 'vegetable'
  end #=> [["apple", "fruit"], ["pear", "fruit"]]

Removes a key-value pair from the database and returns them as an Array. If the database is empty, returns nil.

An alias for length

Returns a new Array containing each key-value pair in the database.


require 'sdbm' 'my_database' do |db|
  db.update('apple' => 'fruit', 'spinach' => 'vegetable')

  db.to_a  #=> [["apple", "fruit"], ["spinach", "vegetable"]]

Returns a new Hash containing each key-value pair in the database.

Insert or update key-value pairs.

This method will work with any object which implements an each_pair method, such as a Hash.

Returns a new Array containing the values in the database.

Returns an Array of values corresponding to the given keys.