Results for: "Data"

Installs this specification using the Gem::Installer options. The install method yields a Gem::Installer instance, which indicates the gem will be installed, or nil, which indicates the gem is already installed.

After installation spec is updated to point to the just-installed specification.

No documentation available

This is a null install as this gem was unpacked into a directory. options are ignored.

Authenticates a req and returns a 401 Unauthorized using res if the authentication was not correct.

Authenticates a req and returns a 401 Unauthorized using res if the authentication was not correct.

Evaluates erb providing servlet_request and servlet_response as local variables.

No documentation available

Returns the file name of this frame.

For example, using caller_locations.rb from Thread::Backtrace::Location

loc = c(0..1).first
loc.path #=> caller_locations.rb

Creates the initial state for the resolution, based upon the {#requested} dependencies @return [DependencyState] the initial state for the resolution

@return [Boolean] whether or not the given state has any possibilities


Returns a new lazy enumerator with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in lazy.

["foo", "bar"].lazy.flat_map {|i| i.each_char.lazy}.force
#=> ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]

A value x returned by block is decomposed if either of the following conditions is true:

a) <i>x</i> responds to both each and force, which means that
   <i>x</i> is a lazy enumerator.
b) <i>x</i> is an array or responds to to_ary.

Otherwise, x is contained as-is in the return value.

[{a:1}, {b:2}].lazy.flat_map {|i| i}.force
#=> [{:a=>1}, {:b=>2}]

Returns a new lazy enumerator with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in lazy.

["foo", "bar"].lazy.flat_map {|i| i.each_char.lazy}.force
#=> ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]

A value x returned by block is decomposed if either of the following conditions is true:

a) <i>x</i> responds to both each and force, which means that
   <i>x</i> is a lazy enumerator.
b) <i>x</i> is an array or responds to to_ary.

Otherwise, x is contained as-is in the return value.

[{a:1}, {b:2}].lazy.flat_map {|i| i}.force
#=> [{:a=>1}, {:b=>2}]
No documentation available
No documentation available

Generates a random prime number of bit length bits. If safe is true, generates a safe prime. If add is specified, generates a prime that fulfills condition p % add = rem.


Sets the authentication tag to verify the integrity of the ciphertext. This can be called only when the cipher supports AE. The tag must be set after calling Cipher#decrypt, Cipher#key= and Cipher#iv=, but before calling Cipher#final. After all decryption is performed, the tag is verified automatically in the call to Cipher#final.

For OCB mode, the tag length must be supplied with auth_tag_len= beforehand.

Gets the authentication tag generated by Authenticated Encryption Cipher modes (GCM for example). This tag may be stored along with the ciphertext, then set on the decryption cipher to authenticate the contents of the ciphertext against changes. If the optional integer parameter tag_len is given, the returned tag will be tag_len bytes long. If the parameter is omitted, the default length of 16 bytes or the length previously set by auth_tag_len= will be used. For maximum security, the longest possible should be chosen.

The tag may only be retrieved after calling Cipher#final.

No documentation available

Called with encoding when the YAML stream starts. This method is called once per stream. A stream may contain multiple documents.

See the constants in Psych::Parser for the possible values of encoding.

Called when the document starts with the declared version, tag_directives, if the document is implicit.

version will be an array of integers indicating the YAML version being dealt with, tag_directives is a list of tuples indicating the prefix and suffix of each tag, and implicit is a boolean indicating whether the document is started implicitly.


Given the following YAML:

%YAML 1.1
%TAG !,2009:
--- !squee

The parameters for start_document must be this:

version         # => [1, 1]
tag_directives  # => [["!", ",2009:"]]
implicit        # => false

Called when a sequence is started.

anchor is the anchor associated with the sequence or nil. tag is the tag associated with the sequence or nil. implicit a boolean indicating whether or not the sequence was implicitly started. style is an integer indicating the list style.

See the constants in Psych::Nodes::Sequence for the possible values of style.


Here is a YAML document that exercises most of the possible ways this method can be called:

- !!seq [
- &pewpew
  - b

The above YAML document consists of three lists, an outer list that contains two inner lists. Here is a matrix of the parameters sent to represent these lists:

# anchor    tag                       implicit  style
[nil,       nil,                      true,     1     ]
[nil,       ",2002:seq",  false,    2     ]
["pewpew",  nil,                      true,     1     ]

Called when a map starts.

anchor is the anchor associated with the map or nil. tag is the tag associated with the map or nil. implicit is a boolean indicating whether or not the map was implicitly started. style is an integer indicating the mapping style.

See the constants in Psych::Nodes::Mapping for the possible values of style.


Here is a YAML document that exercises most of the possible ways this method can be called:

k: !!map { hello: world }
v: &pewpew
  hello: world

The above YAML document consists of three maps, an outer map that contains two inner maps. Below is a matrix of the parameters sent in order to represent these three maps:

# anchor    tag                       implicit  style
[nil,       nil,                      true,     1     ]
[nil,       ",2002:map",  false,    2     ]
["pewpew",  nil,                      true,     1     ]

Handles start_document events with version, tag_directives, and implicit styling.

See Psych::Handler#start_document

No documentation available

Returns the total bytes of the input data to the stream. FIXME

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