Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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Return all files in this gem that match for glob.

Checks the permissions of the credentials file. If they are not 0600 an error message is displayed and RubyGems aborts.

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Performs various checks before installing the gem such as the install repository is writable and its directories exist, required Ruby and rubygems versions are met and that dependencies are installed.

Version and dependency checks are skipped if this install is forced.

The dependent check will be skipped this install is ignoring dependencies.

Writes the .gem file to the cache directory

Given a name and requirement, downloads this gem into cache and returns the filename. Returns nil if the gem cannot be located.

Downloads uri to path if necessary. If no path is given, it just passes the data.

Find and fetch gem name tuples that match dependency.

If matching_platform is false, gems for all platforms are returned.

Set the platform to arch

Add spec to +@fetcher+ serving the data in the file path. repo indicates which repo to make spec appear to be in.

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No documentation available

Choose from a list of options. question is a prompt displayed above the list. list is a list of option strings. Returns the pair [option_name, option_index].

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No documentation available

Iterates through the header names in the header, passing capitalized header names to the code block.

Note that header names are capitalized systematically; capitalization may not match that used by the remote HTTP server in its response.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Check whether the object_id id is in the current buffer of objects to be pretty printed. Used to break cycles in chains of objects to be pretty printed.

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Asks the user to answer question with an answer from the given list.

@!visibility private Enumerates each action in the log @yield [Action]

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