Results for: "strip"

This method is equivalent to new_start(Date::GREGORIAN).

Iterates evaluation of the given block, which takes a date object. The limit should be a date object.,-1,-1)).select{|d| d.sunday?}.size
                          #=> 52

Returns true if time occurs during Daylight Saving Time in its time zone.

  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).zone    #=> "CST"
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).isdst   #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).dst?    #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).zone    #=> "CDT"
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).isdst   #=> true
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).dst?    #=> true

# Asia/Tokyo:
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).zone    #=> "JST"
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).isdst   #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).dst?    #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).zone    #=> "JST"
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).isdst   #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).dst?    #=> false

Returns true if time occurs during Daylight Saving Time in its time zone.

  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).zone    #=> "CST"
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).isdst   #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).dst?    #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).zone    #=> "CDT"
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).isdst   #=> true
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).dst?    #=> true

# Asia/Tokyo:
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).zone    #=> "JST"
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).isdst   #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 1, 1).dst?    #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).zone    #=> "JST"
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).isdst   #=> false
  Time.local(2000, 7, 1).dst?    #=> false

Returns true if time represents Friday.

t = Time.local(1987, 12, 18)     #=> 1987-12-18 00:00:00 -0600
t.friday?                        #=> true

Stores the specified string value in the database, indexed via the string key provided.

Returns status information for ios as an object of type File::Stat.

f ="testfile")
s = f.stat
"%o" % s.mode   #=> "100644"
s.blksize       #=> 4096
s.atime         #=> Wed Apr 09 08:53:54 CDT 2003

Opens the file, optionally seeks to the given offset, writes string, then returns the length written. write ensures the file is closed before returning. If offset is not given in write mode, the file is truncated. Otherwise, it is not truncated.

IO.write("testfile", "0123456789", 20)  #=> 10
# File could contain:  "This is line one\nThi0123456789two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...\n"
IO.write("testfile", "0123456789")      #=> 10
# File would now read: "0123456789"

If the last argument is a hash, it specifies options for the internal open(). It accepts the following keys:


string or encoding

Specifies the encoding of the read string. See Encoding.aliases for possible encodings.



Specifies the mode argument for open(). It must start with “w”, “a”, or “r+”, otherwise it will cause an error. See for the list of possible modes.



Specifies the perm argument for open().



Specifies arguments for open() as an array. This key can not be used in combination with other keys.

Same as IO.write except opening the file in binary mode and ASCII-8BIT encoding (“wb:ASCII-8BIT”).

Creates a pair of pipe endpoints (connected to each other) and returns them as a two-element array of IO objects: [ read_io, write_io ].

If a block is given, the block is called and returns the value of the block. read_io and write_io are sent to the block as arguments. If read_io and write_io are not closed when the block exits, they are closed. i.e. closing read_io and/or write_io doesn’t cause an error.

Not available on all platforms.

If an encoding (encoding name or encoding object) is specified as an optional argument, read string from pipe is tagged with the encoding specified. If the argument is a colon separated two encoding names “A:B”, the read string is converted from encoding A (external encoding) to encoding B (internal encoding), then tagged with B. If two optional arguments are specified, those must be encoding objects or encoding names, and the first one is the external encoding, and the second one is the internal encoding. If the external encoding and the internal encoding is specified, optional hash argument specify the conversion option.

In the example below, the two processes close the ends of the pipe that they are not using. This is not just a cosmetic nicety. The read end of a pipe will not generate an end of file condition if there are any writers with the pipe still open. In the case of the parent process, the will never return if it does not first issue a wr.close.

rd, wr = IO.pipe

if fork
  puts "Parent got: <#{}>"
  puts "Sending message to parent"
  wr.write "Hi Dad"


Sending message to parent
Parent got: <Hi Dad>

Writes the given object(s) to ios. Returns nil.

The stream must be opened for writing. Each given object that isn’t a string will be converted by calling its to_s method. When called without arguments, prints the contents of $_.

If the output field separator ($,) is not nil, it is inserted between objects. If the output record separator ($\) is not nil, it is appended to the output.

$stdout.print("This is ", 100, " percent.\n")


This is 100 percent.

Formats and writes to ios, converting parameters under control of the format string. See Kernel#sprintf for details.

Writes the given string to ios using a low-level write. Returns the number of bytes written. Do not mix with other methods that write to ios or you may get unpredictable results. Raises SystemCallError on error.

f ="out", "w")
f.syswrite("ABCDEF")   #=> 6

Writes the given string to ios. The stream must be opened for writing. If the argument is not a string, it will be converted to a string using to_s. Returns the number of bytes written.

count = $stdout.write("This is a test\n")
puts "That was #{count} bytes of data"


This is a test
That was 15 bytes of data

Associates the value value with the specified key.

Turns the database’s fast mode on or off. If fast mode is turned on, gdbm does not wait for writes to be flushed to the disk before continuing.

This option is obsolete for gdbm >= 1.8 since fast mode is turned on by default. See also: syncmode=

Iterates over the range, passing each nth element to the block. If begin and end are numeric, n is added for each iteration. Otherwise step invokes succ to iterate through range elements.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

range =
range.step(2) {|x| puts x}
range.step(3) {|x| puts x}


 1 x
 3 xxx
 5 xxxxx
 7 xxxxxxx
 9 xxxxxxxxx

 1 x
 4 xxxx
 7 xxxxxxx
10 xxxxxxxxxx

See Range for the definition of class Xs.

Returns the first object in the range, or an array of the first n elements.

(10..20).first     #=> 10
(10..20).first(3)  #=> [10, 11, 12]

Returns the last object in the range, or an array of the last n elements.

Note that with no arguments last will return the object that defines the end of the range even if exclude_end? is true.

(10..20).last      #=> 20
(10...20).last     #=> 20
(10..20).last(3)   #=> [18, 19, 20]
(10...20).last(3)  #=> [17, 18, 19]

Callback invoked whenever a subclass of the current class is created.


class Foo
  def self.inherited(subclass)
    puts "New subclass: #{subclass}"

class Bar < Foo

class Baz < Bar


New subclass: Bar
New subclass: Baz

Recursively deletes a directory, including all directories beneath it.

See FileUtils.rm_r

Writes contents to the file.

See IO.write.

Writes contents to the file, opening it in binary mode.

See IO.binwrite.

Returns a File::Stat object.

See File.stat.

See File.lstat.

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