Results for: "Dir.chdir"

Changes owner and group on the named files (in list) to the user user and the group group. user and group may be an ID (Integer/String) or a name (String). If user or group is nil, this method does not change the attribute.

FileUtils.chown 'root', 'staff', '/usr/local/bin/ruby'
FileUtils.chown nil, 'bin', Dir.glob('/usr/bin/*'), :verbose => true

Changes owner and group on the named files (in list) to the user user and the group group. user and group may be an ID (Integer/String) or a name (String). If user or group is nil, this method does not change the attribute.

FileUtils.chown 'root', 'staff', '/usr/local/bin/ruby'
FileUtils.chown nil, 'bin', Dir.glob('/usr/bin/*'), :verbose => true

Changes owner and group on the named files (in list) to the user user and the group group recursively. user and group may be an ID (Integer/String) or a name (String). If user or group is nil, this method does not change the attribute.

FileUtils.chown_R 'www', 'www', '/var/www/htdocs'
FileUtils.chown_R 'cvs', 'cvs', '/var/cvs', :verbose => true

Changes owner and group on the named files (in list) to the user user and the group group recursively. user and group may be an ID (Integer/String) or a name (String). If user or group is nil, this method does not change the attribute.

FileUtils.chown_R 'www', 'www', '/var/www/htdocs'
FileUtils.chown_R 'cvs', 'cvs', '/var/cvs', :verbose => true

Updates modification time (mtime) and access time (atime) of file(s) in list. Files are created if they don’t exist.

FileUtils.touch 'timestamp'
FileUtils.touch Dir.glob('*.c');  system 'make'

Updates modification time (mtime) and access time (atime) of file(s) in list. Files are created if they don’t exist.

FileUtils.touch 'timestamp'
FileUtils.touch Dir.glob('*.c');  system 'make'
No documentation available

Set the changed state of this object. Notifications will be sent only if the changed state is true.


Boolean indicating the changed state of this Observable.

Returns true if this object’s state has been changed since the last notify_observers call.

Allows setting the gem path searcher. This method is available when requiring ‘rubygems/test_case’

Some operating systems retain the status of terminated child processes until the parent collects that status (normally using some variant of wait()). If the parent never collects this status, the child stays around as a zombie process. Process::detach prevents this by setting up a separate Ruby thread whose sole job is to reap the status of the process pid when it terminates. Use detach only when you do not intend to explicitly wait for the child to terminate.

The waiting thread returns the exit status of the detached process when it terminates, so you can use Thread#join to know the result. If specified pid is not a valid child process ID, the thread returns nil immediately.

The waiting thread has pid method which returns the pid.

In this first example, we don’t reap the first child process, so it appears as a zombie in the process status display.

p1 = fork { sleep 0.1 }
p2 = fork { sleep 0.2 }
sleep 2
system("ps -ho pid,state -p #{p1}")


27389 Z

In the next example, Process::detach is used to reap the child automatically.

p1 = fork { sleep 0.1 }
p2 = fork { sleep 0.2 }
sleep 2
system("ps -ho pid,state -p #{p1}")

(produces no output)

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Adds name with permissions mode to the tar, yielding io for writing the file. The digest_algorithm is written to a read-only name.sum file following the given file contents containing the digest name and hexdigest separated by a tab.

The created digest object is returned.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

For a block.

Receive the section and its pairs for the current configuration.

config.each do |section, key, value|
  # ...
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