You don’t want to use this class. Really. Use XPath, which is a wrapper for this class. Believe me. You don’t want to poke around in here. There is strange, dark magic at work in this code. Beware. Go back! Go back while you still can!

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|                                                    Step
  | (AXIS_NAME '::' | '@' | '')                     AxisSpecifier
  | '.' | '..'                                      AbbreviatedStep
|  RelativeLocationPath '/' Step
| RelativeLocationPath '//' Step
Returns a 1-1 map of the nodeset
The contents of the resulting array are either:
  true/false, if a positive match
  String, if a name match


| ('*' | NCNAME ':' '*' | QNAME)                NameTest
| NODE_TYPE '(' ')'                              NodeType
| PI '(' LITERAL ')'                            PI
  | '[' expr ']'                                Predicate
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Instance Methods

| AndExpr S ‘and’ S EqualityExpr | EqualityExpr

| EqualityExpr (‘=’ | ‘!=’) RelationalExpr | RelationalExpr

| FUNCTION_NAME ‘(’ ( expr ( ‘,’ expr )* )? ‘)’


| RelativeLocationPath
| '/' RelativeLocationPath?
| '//' RelativeLocationPath

| MultiplicativeExpr (‘*’ | S (‘div’ | ‘mod’) S) UnaryExpr | UnaryExpr

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| OrExpr S ‘or’ S AndExpr | AndExpr

| LocationPath | FilterExpr (‘/’ | ‘//’) RelativeLocationPath

Filters the supplied nodeset on the predicate(s)

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| RelationalExpr (‘<’ | ‘>’ | ‘<=’ | ‘>=’) AdditiveExpr | AdditiveExpr

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| ‘-’ UnaryExpr | UnionExpr

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get_group( ‘[foo]bar’ ) -> [‘bar’, ‘[foo]’]

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