Results for: "partition"

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Creates an obscured password in realm with user and password using the auth_type of this database.

Sets a password in realm with user and password for the auth_type of this database.

Retrieves a password in realm for user for the auth_type of this database. reload_db is a dummy value.

@return [Object] the requirement that led to a version of a possibility

with the given name being activated.

Load an iseq object from binary format String object created by RubyVM::InstructionSequence.to_binary.

This loader does not have a verifier, so that loading broken/modified binary causes critical problem.

You should not load binary data provided by others. You should use binary data translated by yourself.

Creates a regular expression to match IPv4 addresses

Create a new DRbObject from a URI alone.

Set the default value for the :load_limit option.

See new(). The initial default value is 25 MB.

Set the default value for the :id_conv option.

See new(). The initial default value is a DRbIdConv instance.

Create a new DRbObject from a URI alone.

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The default port to use for HTTP requests; defaults to 80.

The default port to use for HTTPS requests; defaults to 443.

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No documentation available

The default port for IMAPS connections, port 993

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Adds a response handler. For example, to detect when the server sends a new EXISTS response (which normally indicates new messages being added to the mailbox), add the following handler after selecting the mailbox:

imap.add_response_handler { |resp|
  if resp.kind_of?(Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse) and == "EXISTS"
    puts "Mailbox now has #{} messages"

Removes the response handler.

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