This is the base class for all XML-RPC server-types (CGI, standalone). You can add handler and set a default handler. Do not use this server, as this is/should be an abstract class.

How the method to call is found

The arity (number of accepted arguments) of a handler (method or Proc object) is compared to the given arguments submitted by the client for a RPC, or Remote Procedure Call.

A handler is only called if it accepts the number of arguments, otherwise the search for another handler will go on. When at the end no handler was found, the default_handler, XMLRPC::BasicServer#set_default_handler will be called.

With this technique it is possible to do overloading by number of parameters, but only for Proc handler, because you cannot define two methods of the same name in the same class.

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Class Methods

Creates a new XMLRPC::BasicServer instance, which should not be done, because XMLRPC::BasicServer is an abstract class. This method should be called from a subclass indirectly by a super call in the initialize method.

The parameter class_delim is used by add_handler, see XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_handler, when an object is added as a handler, to delimit the object-prefix and the method-name.

Instance Methods

Adds aBlock to the list of handlers, with name as the name of the method.

Parameters signature and help are used by the Introspection method if specified, where signature is either an Array containing strings each representing a type of it’s signature (the first is the return value) or an Array of Arrays if the method has multiple signatures.

Value type-names are “int, boolean, double, string, dateTime.iso8601, base64, array, struct”.

Parameter help is a String with information about how to call this method etc.

When a method fails, it can tell the client by throwing an XMLRPC::FaultException like in this example:

s.add_handler("michael.div") do |a,b|
  if b == 0
    raise, "division by zero")
    a / b

In the case of b==0 the client gets an object back of type XMLRPC::FaultException that has a faultCode and faultString field.

This is the second form of ((<add_handler|XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_handler>)). To add an object write:


All public methods of MyHandlerClass are accessible to the XML-RPC clients by michael."name of method". This is where the class_delim in plays it’s role, a XML-RPC method-name is defined by prefix + class_delim + "name of method".

The third form of +add_handler is to use XMLRPC::Service::Interface to generate an object, which represents an interface (with signature and help text) for a handler class.

The interface parameter must be an instance of XMLRPC::Service::Interface. Adds all methods of obj which are defined in the interface to the server.

This is the recommended way of adding services to a server!

Adds the introspection handlers "system.listMethods", "system.methodSignature" and "system.methodHelp", where only the first one works.

Adds the multi-call handler "system.multicall".

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Returns true, if the arity of obj matches n_args

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Returns the default-handler, which is called when no handler for a method-name is found.

It is either a Proc object or nil.

Returns the service-hook, which is called on each service request (RPC) unless it’s nil.

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Sets handler as the default-handler, which is called when no handler for a method-name is found.

handler is a code-block.

The default-handler is called with the (XML-RPC) method-name as first argument, and the other arguments are the parameters given by the client-call.

If no block is specified the default of XMLRPC::BasicServer is used, which raises a XMLRPC::FaultException saying “method missing”.

A service-hook is called for each service request (RPC).

You can use a service-hook for example to wrap existing methods and catch exceptions of them or convert values to values recognized by XMLRPC.

You can disable it by passing nil as the handler parameter.

The service-hook is called with a Proc object along with any parameters.

An example:

server.set_service_hook {|obj, *args|
    ret =*args)  # call the original service-method
    # could convert the return value
    # rescue exceptions