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The parent class for all primitive encodings. Attributes are the same as for ASN1Data, with the addition of tagging. Primitive values can never be infinite length encodings, thus it is not possible to set the infinite_length attribute for Primitive and its sub-classes.

Primitive sub-classes and their mapping to Ruby classes


Additional attributes

unused_bits: if the underlying BIT STRING’s length is a multiple of 8 then unused_bits is 0. Otherwise unused_bits indicates the number of bits that are to be ignored in the final octet of the BitString‘s value.


NOTE: While will allocate a new ObjectId, it is not typically allocated this way, but rather that are received from parsed ASN1 encodings.

While will allocate a new ObjectId, it is not typically allocated this way, but rather that are received from parsed ASN1 encodings.

Additional attributes


With the Exception of OpenSSL::ASN1::EndOfContent, each Primitive class constructor takes at least one parameter, the value.

Creating EndOfContent

eoc =

Creating any other Primitive

prim = <class>.new(value) # <class> being one of the sub-classes except EndOfContent
prim_zero_tagged_implicit = <class>.new(value, 0, :IMPLICIT)
prim_zero_tagged_explicit = <class>.new(value, 0, :EXPLICIT)

This is the generic exception for OpenSSL::Engine related errors

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Default formatter for log messages.

See Net::HTTPGenericRequest for attributes and methods.

Authenticator for the “LOGIN” authentication type. See authenticate().

Authenticator for the “PLAIN” authentication type. See authenticate().

Error raised when data is in the incorrect format.



Not implemented:

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No documentation available
No documentation available
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