This class is the access to openssl’s ENGINE cryptographic module implementation.

See also,

Class Methods

Fetch the engine as specified by the id String

 => #<OpenSSL::Engine id="openssl" name="Software engine support">

See OpenSSL::Engine.engines for the currently loaded engines

It is only necessary to run cleanup when engines are loaded via OpenSSL::Engine.load. However, running cleanup before exit is recommended.

See also,

Returns an array of currently loaded engines.

This method loads engines. If name is nil, then all builtin engines are loaded. Otherwise, the given name, as a string, is loaded if available to your runtime, and returns true. If name is not found, then nil is returned.

Instance Methods

This returns an OpenSSL::Cipher by name, if it is available in this engine.

A EngineError will be raised if the cipher is unavailable.

e = OpenSSL::Engine.by_id("openssl")
 => #<OpenSSL::Engine id="openssl" name="Software engine support">
 => #<OpenSSL::Cipher:0x007fc5cacc3048>

Returns an array of command definitions for the current engine

Send the given command to this engine.

Raises an EngineError if the command fails.

This returns an OpenSSL::Digest by name.

Will raise an EngineError if the digest is unavailable.

e = OpenSSL::Engine.by_id("openssl")
  #=> #<OpenSSL::Engine id="openssl" name="Software engine support">
  #=> #<OpenSSL::Digest: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709>
  #=> OpenSSL::Engine::EngineError: no such digest `zomg'

Releases all internal structural references for this engine.

May raise an EngineError if the engine is unavailable

Get the id for this engine

OpenSSL::Engine.engines #=> [#<OpenSSL::Engine#>, ...]
  #=> "rsax"

Pretty print this engine

Loads the given private key by id and data.

An EngineError is raised of the OpenSSL::PKey is unavailable.

Loads the given private key by id and data.

An EngineError is raised of the OpenSSL::PKey is unavailable.

Get the descriptive name for this engine

OpenSSL::Engine.engines #=> [#<OpenSSL::Engine#>, ...]
  #=> "RSAX engine support"

Set the defaults for this engine with the given flag.

These flags are used to control combinations of algorithm methods.

flag can be one of the following, other flags are available depending on your OS.

All flags


No flags


See also <openssl/engine.h>