Results for: "strip"

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506 Variant Also Negotiates - RFC 2295; experimental

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The writer adapter class

Simple option list providing mapping from short and/or long option string to OptionParser::Switch and mapping from acceptable argument to matching pattern and converter pair. Also provides summary feature.

An abstract class for enumerating pseudo-prime numbers.

Concrete subclasses should override succ, next, rewind.

An implementation of PseudoPrimeGenerator.

Uses EratosthenesSieve.

Internal use. An implementation of eratosthenes’ sieve

Resolv::Hosts is a hostname resolver that uses the system hosts file.

A Resolv::DNS IPv4 address.

A Resolv::DNS IPv6 address.

This class needs:

spew back out what we get in. This works, but it would be better if we formatted the output ourselves.

AttlistDecls provide just enough support to allow namespace declarations. If you need some sort of generalized support, or have an interesting idea about how to map the hideous, terrible design of DTD AttlistDecls onto an intuitive Ruby interface, let me know. I’m desperate for anything to make DTDs more palateable.

Rinda error base class

Raised when trying to use a canceled tuple.

Raised when trying to use an expired tuple.

A RingServer allows a Rinda::TupleSpace to be located via UDP broadcasts. Default service location uses the following steps:

  1. A RingServer begins listening on the network broadcast UDP address.

  2. A RingFinger sends a UDP packet containing the DRb URI where it will listen for a reply.

  3. The RingServer receives the UDP packet and connects back to the provided DRb URI with the DRb service.

A RingServer requires a TupleSpace:

ts =
rs =

RingServer can also listen on multicast addresses for announcements. This allows multiple RingServers to run on the same host. To use network broadcast and multicast:

ts =
rs = ts, %w[Socket::INADDR_ANY, ff02::1]

RingFinger is used by RingServer clients to discover the RingServer’s TupleSpace. Typically, all a client needs to do is call RingFinger.primary to retrieve the remote TupleSpace, which it can then begin using.

To find the first available remote TupleSpace:


To create a RingFinger that broadcasts to a custom list:

rf =  ['localhost', '']

Rinda::RingFinger also understands multicast addresses and sets them up properly. This allows you to run multiple RingServers on the same host:

rf = ['']

You can set the hop count (or TTL) for multicast searches using multicast_hops.

If you use IPv6 multicast you may need to set both an address and the outbound interface index:

rf = ['ff02::1']
rf.multicast_interface = 1

At this time there is no easy way to get an interface index by name.

RingProvider uses a RingServer advertised TupleSpace as a name service. TupleSpace clients can register themselves with the remote TupleSpace and look up other provided services via the remote TupleSpace.

Services are registered with a tuple of the format [:name, klass, DRbObject, description].

A TupleEntry is a Tuple (i.e. a possible entry in some Tuplespace) together with expiry and cancellation data.

A TemplateEntry is a Template together with expiry and cancellation data.


A NotifyTemplateEntry is returned by TupleSpace#notify and is notified of TupleSpace changes. You may receive either your subscribed event or the ‘close’ event when iterating over notifications.

See TupleSpace#notify_event for valid notification types.


ts =
observer = ts.notify 'write', [nil]

Thread.start do
  observer.each { |t| p t }

3.times { |i| ts.write [i] }


['write', [0]]
['write', [1]]
['write', [2]]
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