Results for: "partition"

Checks to see if the files to be packaged are world-readable.

Creates a spec with name, version. deps can specify the dependency or a block can be given for full customization of the specification.

Creates a gem with name, version and deps. The specification will be yielded before gem creation for customization. The gem will be placed in File.join @tempdir, 'gems'. The specification and .gem file location are returned.

Gzips data.

Deflates data

Returns the path to the certificate named cert_name from test/rubygems/.

Display a warning on stderr. Will ask question if it is not nil.


  path:   String
  return: String
returns the absolute path for <path>
No documentation available

start a job

No documentation available

returns an Array of the path split on ‘/’

returns an Array of the components defined from the COMPONENT Array

private method to cleanup dn from using the path component attribute

private method to cleanup attributes, scope, filter and extensions, from using the query component attribute

private setter for extensions val

Similar to XMLRPC::Client#multicall, however can be called concurrently and use a new connection for each request. In contrast to the corresponding method without the _async suffix, which use connect-alive (one connection for all requests).

Note, that you have to use Thread to call these methods concurrently. The following example calls two methods concurrently: {
  p client.multicall_async("michael.add", 4, 5)
} {
  p client.multicall_async("michael.div", 7, 9)

Same as XMLRPC::Client#multicall2, but can be called concurrently.

See also XMLRPC::Client#multicall_async

No documentation available

Return a Time object of the date/time which represents self. If the @year is below 1970, this method returns nil, because Time cannot handle years below 1970.

The timezone used is GMT.

Adds the multi-call handler "system.multicall".

No documentation available

Returns true, if the arity of obj matches n_args

Parses a C prototype signature

If Hash tymap is provided, the return value and the arguments from the signature are expected to be keys, and the value will be the C type to be looked up.


include Fiddle::CParser
  #=> Object

parse_signature('double sum(double, double)')
  #=> ["sum", Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE, [Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE, Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE]]

parse_signature('void update(void (*cb)(int code))')
  #=> ["update", Fiddle::TYPE_VOID, [Fiddle::TYPE_VOIDP]]

parse_signature('char (*getbuffer(void))[80]')
  #=> ["getbuffer", Fiddle::TYPE_VOIDP, []]

Given a String of C type ty, returns the corresponding Fiddle constant.

ty can also accept an Array of C type Strings, and will be returned in a corresponding Array.

If Hash tymap is provided, ty is expected to be the key, and the value will be the C type to be looked up.


include Fiddle::CParser
  #=> Object

  #=> Fiddle::TYPE_INT

parse_ctype('double diff')
  #=> Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE

parse_ctype('unsigned char byte')
  #=> -Fiddle::TYPE_CHAR

parse_ctype('const char* const argv[]')
  #=> -Fiddle::TYPE_VOIDP
Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 2899