Results for: "uniq!"

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Raised if the tar IO is not seekable

IO wrapper that allows writing a limited amount of data

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns a new array by removing duplicate values in self.

If a block is given, it will use the return value of the block for comparison.

It compares values using their hash and eql? methods for efficiency.

self is traversed in order, and the first occurrence is kept.

a = [ "a", "a", "b", "b", "c" ]
a.uniq   # => ["a", "b", "c"]

b = [["student","sam"], ["student","george"], ["teacher","matz"]]
b.uniq { |s| s.first } # => [["student", "sam"], ["teacher", "matz"]]

Return a Regexp object that is the union of the given patterns, i.e., will match any of its parts. The patterns can be Regexp objects, in which case their options will be preserved, or Strings. If no patterns are given, returns /(?!)/. The behavior is unspecified if any given pattern contains capture.

Regexp.union                         #=> /(?!)/
Regexp.union("penzance")             #=> /penzance/
Regexp.union("a+b*c")                #=> /a\+b\*c/
Regexp.union("skiing", "sledding")   #=> /skiing|sledding/
Regexp.union(["skiing", "sledding"]) #=> /skiing|sledding/
Regexp.union(/dogs/, /cats/i)        #=> /(?-mix:dogs)|(?i-mx:cats)/

Note: the arguments for ::union will try to be converted into a regular expression literal via to_regexp.

creates a new socket connected to path using UNIX socket socket.

If a block is given, the block is called with the socket. The value of the block is returned. The socket is closed when this method returns.

If no block is given, the socket is returned.

# talk to /tmp/sock socket.
Socket.unix("/tmp/sock") {|sock|
  t = { IO.copy_stream(sock, STDOUT) }
  IO.copy_stream(STDIN, sock)

returns an addrinfo object for UNIX socket address.

socktype specifies the socket type. If it is omitted, :STREAM is used.

Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock")         #=> #<Addrinfo: /tmp/sock SOCK_STREAM>
Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock", :DGRAM) #=> #<Addrinfo: /tmp/sock SOCK_DGRAM>

returns true if addrinfo is UNIX address. returns false otherwise.

Addrinfo.tcp("", 80).unix? #=> false
Addrinfo.tcp("::1", 80).unix?       #=> false
Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock").unix?    #=> true
No documentation available

Returns true if this is a unitary matrix Raises an error if matrix is not square.

No documentation available

Returns true for IPv6 unique local address (fc00::/7, RFC4193). It returns false otherwise.

Returns the unique-id of the message. Normally the unique-id is a hash string of the message.

This method raises a POPError if an error occurs.

Performs the uninstall of the gem. This removes the spec, the Gem directory, and the cached .gem file.

Unmounts dir

Creates a class to wrap the C union described by signature.

MyUnion = union ['int i', 'char c']

Unicode Normalization

Returns a normalized form of str, using Unicode normalizations NFC, NFD, NFKC, or NFKD. The normalization form used is determined by form, which is any of the four values :nfc, :nfd, :nfkc, or :nfkd. The default is :nfc.

If the string is not in a Unicode Encoding, then an Exception is raised. In this context, ‘Unicode Encoding’ means any of UTF-8, UTF-16BE/LE, and UTF-32BE/LE, as well as GB18030, UCS_2BE, and UCS_4BE. Anything else than UTF-8 is implemented by converting to UTF-8, which makes it slower than UTF-8.


"a\u0300".unicode_normalize        #=> 'à' (same as "\u00E0")
"a\u0300".unicode_normalize(:nfc)  #=> 'à' (same as "\u00E0")
"\u00E0".unicode_normalize(:nfd)   #=> 'à' (same as "a\u0300")
                                   #=> Encoding::CompatibilityError raised

Destructive version of String#unicode_normalize, doing Unicode normalization in place.

Checks whether str is in Unicode normalization form form, which is any of the four values :nfc, :nfd, :nfkc, or :nfkd. The default is :nfc.

If the string is not in a Unicode Encoding, then an Exception is raised. For details, see String#unicode_normalize.


"a\u0300".unicode_normalized?        #=> false
"a\u0300".unicode_normalized?(:nfd)  #=> true
"\u00E0".unicode_normalized?         #=> true
"\u00E0".unicode_normalized?(:nfd)   #=> false
                                     #=> Encoding::CompatibilityError raised

Returns the socket path as a string.

Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock").unix_path       #=> "/tmp/sock"

Adds a post-uninstall hook that will be passed a Gem::Uninstaller instance and the spec that was uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is called

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