Results for: "match"

For a block.

Receive the section and its pairs for the current configuration.

config.each do |section, key, value|
  # ...

Not every message digest can be computed in one single pass. If a message digest is to be computed from several subsequent sources, then each may be passed individually to the Digest instance.


digest =
digest.update('First input')
digest << 'Second input' # equivalent to digest.update('Second input')
result = digest.digest

Returns self updated with the message to be authenticated. Can be called repeatedly with chunks of the message.


first_chunk = 'The quick brown fox jumps '
second_chunk = 'over the lazy dog'

#=> 5b9a8038a65d571076d97fe783989e52278a492a
#=> de7c9b85b8b78aa6bc8a7a36f70a90701c9db4d9


Any optional arguments may be supplied as nil to preserve the OpenSSL defaults.

See the OpenSSL documentation for PKCS12_create().

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Emit a map. The coder will be yielded to the block.

Emit a map with value

Returns the exit status of the child for which PTY#check raised this exception

returns the cmsg data as a string.

p, :IPV6, :PKTINFO, "").data
#=> ""

Returns the netmask address of ifaddr. nil is returned if netmask is not available in ifaddr.

returns the socket option data as a string.

p, :IPV6, :RECVPKTINFO, [1].pack("i!")).data
#=> "\x01\x00\x00\x00"

Logs a message at the fatal (syslog err) log level, or logs the message returned from the block.

Compresses the given string. Valid values of level are Zlib::NO_COMPRESSION, Zlib::BEST_SPEED, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION, Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, or an integer from 0 to 9.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def deflate(string, level)
  z =
  dst = z.deflate(string, Zlib::FINISH)

See also Zlib.inflate

Inputs string into the deflate stream and returns the output from the stream. On calling this method, both the input and the output buffers of the stream are flushed. If string is nil, this method finishes the stream, just like Zlib::ZStream#finish.

If a block is given consecutive deflated chunks from the string are yielded to the block and nil is returned.

The flush parameter specifies the flush mode. The following constants may be used:


The default


Flushes the output to a byte boundary


SYNC_FLUSH + resets the compression state


Pending input is processed, pending output is flushed.

See the constants for further description.

Decompresses string. Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed for decompression.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def inflate(string)
  zstream =
  buf = zstream.inflate(string)

See also Zlib.deflate

Inputs deflate_string into the inflate stream and returns the output from the stream. Calling this method, both the input and the output buffer of the stream are flushed. If string is nil, this method finishes the stream, just like Zlib::ZStream#finish.

If a block is given consecutive inflated chunks from the deflate_string are yielded to the block and nil is returned.

Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed to decompress. Set the dictionary by Zlib::Inflate#set_dictionary and then call this method again with an empty string to flush the stream:

inflater =

  out = inflater.inflate compressed
rescue Zlib::NeedDict
  # ensure the dictionary matches the stream's required dictionary
  raise unless inflater.adler == Zlib.adler32(dictionary)

  inflater.set_dictionary dictionary
  inflater.inflate ''

# ...


See also

Same as IO.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

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