Results for: "minmax"

Releases all internal structural references for this engine.

May raise an EngineError if the engine is unavailable

Pretty print this engine

Returns the authentication code as a hex-encoded string. The digest parameter must be an instance of OpenSSL::Digest.


key = 'key'
data = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
digest ='sha1')

hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, key, data)
#=> "de7c9b85b8b78aa6bc8a7a36f70a90701c9db4d9"

Emit a map. The coder will be yielded to the block.

Emit a map with value

The line number of the current token. This value starts from 1. This method is valid only in event handlers.

returns a string which shows ancillarydata in human-readable form.

p, :IPV6, :PKTINFO, "").inspect
#=> "#<Socket::AncillaryData: INET6 IPV6 PKTINFO \"\">"

returns the socket family as an integer.

p, :IPV6, :PKTINFO, "").family
#=> 10

Creates a new Socket::AncillaryData object which contains a int as data.

The size and endian is dependent on the host.

#=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: UNIX SOCKET RIGHTS 2>

Returns the data in ancillarydata as an int.

The size and endian is dependent on the host.

ancdata =, :SOCKET, :RIGHTS, STDERR.fileno)
p #=> 2

Returns a string to show contents of ifaddr.

Returns the interface index of ifaddr.

Returns the netmask address of ifaddr. nil is returned if netmask is not available in ifaddr.

returns the socket family as an integer.

p, :IPV6, :RECVPKTINFO, [1].pack("i!")).family
#=> 10

Returns a string which shows sockopt in human-readable form.

p, :SOCKET, :KEEPALIVE, [1].pack("i")).inspect
#=> "#<Socket::Option: INET SOCKET KEEPALIVE 1>"

Creates a new Socket::Option object which contains an int as data.

The size and endian is dependent on the platform.

#=> #<Socket::Option: INET SOCKET KEEPALIVE 1>

Returns the data in sockopt as an int.

The size and endian is dependent on the platform.

sockopt =, :SOCKET, :KEEPALIVE, 1)
p => 1

Creates a new Socket::Option object for SOL_SOCKET/SO_LINGER.

onoff should be an integer or a boolean.

secs should be the number of seconds.

p Socket::Option.linger(true, 10)
#=> #<Socket::Option: UNSPEC SOCKET LINGER on 10sec>

Returns the linger data in sockopt as a pair of boolean and integer.

sockopt = Socket::Option.linger(true, 10)
p sockopt.linger => [true, 10]

Logs a message at the info (syslog info) log level, or logs the message returned from the block.

Returns true if the stream is finished.

Finishes the stream and flushes output buffer. If a block is given each chunk is yielded to the block until the input buffer has been flushed to the output buffer.

Decompresses string. Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed for decompression.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def inflate(string)
  zstream =
  buf = zstream.inflate(string)

See also Zlib.deflate

Inputs deflate_string into the inflate stream and returns the output from the stream. Calling this method, both the input and the output buffer of the stream are flushed. If string is nil, this method finishes the stream, just like Zlib::ZStream#finish.

If a block is given consecutive inflated chunks from the deflate_string are yielded to the block and nil is returned.

Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed to decompress. Set the dictionary by Zlib::Inflate#set_dictionary and then call this method again with an empty string to flush the stream:

inflater =

  out = inflater.inflate compressed
rescue Zlib::NeedDict
  # ensure the dictionary matches the stream's required dictionary
  raise unless inflater.adler == Zlib.adler32(dictionary)

  inflater.set_dictionary dictionary
  inflater.inflate ''

# ...


See also

Closes the GzipFile object. Unlike Zlib::GzipFile#close, this method never calls the close method of the associated IO object. Returns the associated IO object.

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