Results for: "uniq"

Class wrapping a marshalled object whose type is unknown locally.

If an object is returned by a method invoked over drb, but the class of the object is unknown in the client namespace, or the object is a constant unknown in the client namespace, then the still-marshalled object is returned wrapped in a DRbUnknown instance.

If this object is passed as an argument to a method invoked over drb, then the wrapped object is passed instead.

The class or constant name of the object can be read from the name attribute. The marshalled object is held in the buf attribute.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

418 I’m a teapot - RFC 2324; a joke RFC 420 Enhance Your Calm - Twitter

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No documentation available

Unexpected reply code returned from server.

Command is not supported on server.

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No documentation available

RSS does not allow for free-form tag names, so if an RSS feed contains a tag that we don’t know about, an UnknownTagError is raised.

Raised when an unknown conversion error occurs.

Raised when a RSS::Maker attempts to use an unknown maker.

No documentation available

Raised by the DependencyInstaller when a specific gem cannot be found

Raised by Resolver when a dependency requests a gem for which there is no spec.

Run an instance of the gem program.

Gem::GemRunner is only intended for internal use by RubyGems itself. It does not form any public API and may change at any time for any reason.

If you would like to duplicate functionality of ‘gem` commands, use the classes they call directly.

Raised by Encoding and String methods when a transcoding operation fails.

Raised by transcoding methods when a named encoding does not correspond with a known converter.

Mixin module making an object undumpable or unmarshallable.

If an object which includes this module is returned by method called over drb, then the object remains in the server space and a reference to the object is returned, rather than the object being marshalled and moved into the client space.

Mixin module making an object undumpable or unmarshallable.

If an object which includes this module is returned by method called over drb, then the object remains in the server space and a reference to the object is returned, rather than the object being marshalled and moved into the client space.

This module has all methods of FileUtils module, but never changes files/directories, with printing message before acting. This equates to passing the :noop and :verbose flag to methods in FileUtils.

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