Results for: "Data"

returns the arc tangent of y divided by x using the signs of y and x to determine the quadrant

CMath.atan2(1 + 1i, 0) #=> (1.5707963267948966+0.0i)

returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of z

CMath.atanh(1 + 1i) #=> (0.4023594781085251+1.0172219678978514i)

Options: (none)

Returns true if new is newer than all old_list. Non-existent files are older than any file.

FileUtils.uptodate?('hello.o', %w(hello.c hello.h)) or \
    system 'make hello.o'

Options: (none)

Returns true if new is newer than all old_list. Non-existent files are older than any file.

FileUtils.uptodate?('hello.o', %w(hello.c hello.h)) or \
    system 'make hello.o'

Computes the arc tangent given y and x. Returns a Float in the range -PI..PI. Return value is a angle in radians between the positive x-axis of cartesian plane and the point given by the coordinates (x, y) on it.


Codomain: [-PI, PI]

Math.atan2(-0.0, -1.0) #=> -3.141592653589793
Math.atan2(-1.0, -1.0) #=> -2.356194490192345
Math.atan2(-1.0, 0.0)  #=> -1.5707963267948966
Math.atan2(-1.0, 1.0)  #=> -0.7853981633974483
Math.atan2(-0.0, 1.0)  #=> -0.0
Math.atan2(0.0, 1.0)   #=> 0.0
Math.atan2(1.0, 1.0)   #=> 0.7853981633974483
Math.atan2(1.0, 0.0)   #=> 1.5707963267948966
Math.atan2(1.0, -1.0)  #=> 2.356194490192345
Math.atan2(0.0, -1.0)  #=> 3.141592653589793
Math.atan2(INFINITY, INFINITY)   #=> 0.7853981633974483
Math.atan2(INFINITY, -INFINITY)  #=> 2.356194490192345
Math.atan2(-INFINITY, INFINITY)  #=> -0.7853981633974483
Math.atan2(-INFINITY, -INFINITY) #=> -2.356194490192345

Computes the arc tangent of x. Returns -PI/2..PI/2.


Codomain: (-PI/2, PI/2)

Math.atan(0) #=> 0.0

Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.

Domain: (-1, 1)


Math.atanh(1) #=> Infinity

Counts objects for each T_DATA type.

This method is only for MRI developers interested in performance and memory usage of Ruby programs.

It returns a hash as:

{RubyVM::InstructionSequence=>504, :parser=>5, :barrier=>6,
 :mutex=>6, Proc=>60, RubyVM::Env=>57, Mutex=>1, Encoding=>99,
 ThreadGroup=>1, Binding=>1, Thread=>1, RubyVM=>1, :iseq=>1,
 Random=>1, ARGF.class=>1, Data=>1, :autoload=>3, Time=>2}
# T_DATA objects existing at startup on r32276.

If the optional argument, result_hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

The contents of the returned hash is implementation specific and may change in the future.

In this version, keys are Class object or Symbol object.

If object is kind of normal (accessible) object, the key is Class object. If object is not a kind of normal (internal) object, the key is symbol name, registered by rb_data_type_struct.

This method is only expected to work with C Ruby.

No documentation available

Formats time as an IMAP-style date.

Formats time as an IMAP-style date-time.

No documentation available

A recommended version for use with a ~> Requirement.

Extracts the Gem::Specification and raw metadata from the .gem file at path.

Content: [ String text ]

No documentation available

Encrypts data in a streaming fashion. Hand consecutive blocks of data to the update method in order to encrypt it. Returns the encrypted data chunk. When done, the output of Cipher#final should be additionally added to the result.


data is a nonempty string. buffer is an optional string to store the result.

Not every message digest can be computed in one single pass. If a message digest is to be computed from several subsequent sources, then each may be passed individually to the Digest instance.


digest =
digest.update('First input')
digest << 'Second input' # equivalent to digest.update('Second input')
result = digest.digest

Returns self updated with the message to be authenticated. Can be called repeatedly with chunks of the message.


first_chunk = 'The quick brown fox jumps '
second_chunk = 'over the lazy dog'

#=> 5b9a8038a65d571076d97fe783989e52278a492a
#=> de7c9b85b8b78aa6bc8a7a36f70a90701c9db4d9

Returns the exit status of the child for which PTY#check raised this exception

Logs a message at the fatal (syslog err) log level, or logs the message returned from the block.

Store session data on the server. For some session storage types, this is a no-op.

Returns the status (STAT command).

Sends a STATUS command, and returns the status of the indicated mailbox. attr is a list of one or more attributes whose statuses are to be requested. Supported attributes include:

MESSAGES:: the number of messages in the mailbox.
RECENT:: the number of recent messages in the mailbox.
UNSEEN:: the number of unseen messages in the mailbox.

The return value is a hash of attributes. For example:

p imap.status("inbox", ["MESSAGES", "RECENT"])
#=> {"RECENT"=>0, "MESSAGES"=>44}

A Net::IMAP::NoResponseError is raised if status values for mailbox cannot be returned; for instance, because it does not exist.

Adds sw according to sopts, lopts and nlopts.


OptionParser::Switch instance to be added.


Short style option list.


Long style option list.


Negated long style options list.

Search took: 7ms  ·  Total Results: 1586