Results for: "strip"

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Gem installer command line tool

See ‘gem help install`

An alternate to Gem::Commands::QueryCommand that searches for gems starting with the supplied argument.

No documentation available

Gem uninstaller command line tool

See ‘gem help uninstall`

No documentation available

Raised when a tar file is corrupt

IO wrapper that creates digests of contents written to the IO it wraps.

A test case for Gem::Package::Tar* classes

Allows writing of tar files

A FetchError that indicates that the reason for not being able to fetch data was that the host could not be contacted

Specifies a Specification object that should be activated. Also contains a dependency that was used to introduce this activation.

The BestSet chooses the best available method to query a remote index.

It combines IndexSet and APISet

Used Internally. Wraps a Dependency object to also track which spec contained the Dependency.

An InstalledSpecification represents a gem that is already installed locally.

A set of gems for installation sourced from remote sources and local .gem files

The RequirementList is used to hold the requirements being considered while resolving a set of gems.

The RequirementList acts like a queue where the oldest items are removed first.

No documentation available

Represents an installed gem. This is used for dependency resolution.

The StaticSet is a static set of gem specifications used for testing only. It is available by requiring Gem::TestCase.

RFC 2617 Digest Access Authentication for WEBrick

Use this class to add digest authentication to a WEBrick servlet.

Here is an example of how to set up DigestAuth:

config = { :Realm => 'DigestAuth example realm' }

htdigest = 'my_password_file'
htdigest.set_passwd config[:Realm], 'username', 'password'

config[:UserDB] = htdigest

digest_auth = config

When using this as with a servlet be sure not to create a new DigestAuth object in the servlet’s initialize. By default WEBrick creates a new servlet instance for every request and the DigestAuth object must be used across requests.

Digest authentication for proxy servers. See DigestAuth for details.

Htdigest accesses apache-compatible digest password files. Passwords are matched to a realm where they are valid. For security, the path for a digest password database should be stored outside of the paths available to the HTTP server.

Htdigest is intended for use with WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth and stores passwords using cryptographic hashes.

htpasswd = 'my_password_file'
htpasswd.set_passwd 'my realm', 'username', 'password'
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