OpenSSL IO buffering mix-in module.

This module allows an OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket to behave like an IO.

You typically won’t use this module directly, you can see it implemented in OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.


Default size to read from or write to the SSLSocket for buffer operations.

Read & Write

The “sync mode” of the SSLSocket.

See IO#sync for full details.

Class Methods

Creates an instance of OpenSSL’s buffering IO module.

Instance Methods

Writes s to the stream. s will be converted to a String using String#to_s.

Closes the SSLSocket and flushes any unwritten data.

Consumes size bytes from the buffer

Writes s to the buffer. When the buffer is full or sync is true the buffer is flushed to the underlying socket.

Executes the block for every line in the stream where lines are separated by eol.

See also gets

Calls the given block once for each byte in the stream.

An alias for each
An alias for eof?

Returns true if the stream is at file which means there is no more data to be read.

Fills the buffer from the underlying SSLSocket

Flushes buffered data to the SSLSocket.

Reads one character from the stream. Returns nil if called at end of file.

Reads the next “line+ from the stream. Lines are separated by eol. If limit is provided the result will not be longer than the given number of bytes.

eol may be a String or Regexp.

Unlike IO#gets the line read will not be assigned to +$_+.

Unlike IO#gets the separator must be provided if a limit is provided.

Writes args to the stream.

See IO#print for full details.

Formats and writes to the stream converting parameters under control of the format string.

See Kernel#sprintf for format string details.

Writes args to the stream along with a record separator.

See IO#puts for full details.

Reads size bytes from the stream. If buf is provided it must reference a string which will receive the data.

See IO#read for full details.

Reads at most maxlen bytes in the non-blocking manner.

When no data can be read without blocking it raises OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError extended by IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable.

IO::WaitReadable means SSL needs to read internally so read_nonblock should be called again when the underlying IO is readable.

IO::WaitWritable means SSL needs to write internally so read_nonblock should be called again after the underlying IO is writable.

OpenSSL::Buffering#read_nonblock needs two rescue clause as follows:

# emulates blocking read (readpartial).
  result = ssl.read_nonblock(maxlen)
rescue IO::WaitReadable[io])
rescue IO::WaitWritable, [io])

Note that one reason that read_nonblock writes to the underlying IO is when the peer requests a new TLS/SSL handshake. See openssl the FAQ for more details.

Reads a one-character string from the stream. Raises an EOFError at end of file.

Reads a line from the stream which is separated by eol.

Raises EOFError if at end of file.

Reads lines from the stream which are separated by eol.

See also gets

Reads at most maxlen bytes from the stream. If buf is provided it must reference a string which will receive the data.

See IO#readpartial for full details.

Pushes character c back onto the stream such that a subsequent buffered character read will return it.

Unlike IO#getc multiple bytes may be pushed back onto the stream.

Has no effect on unbuffered reads (such as sysread).

Writes s to the stream. If the argument is not a string it will be converted using String#to_s. Returns the number of bytes written.

Writes str in the non-blocking manner.

If there is buffered data, it is flushed first. This may block.

write_nonblock returns number of bytes written to the SSL connection.

When no data can be written without blocking it raises OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError extended by IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable.

IO::WaitReadable means SSL needs to read internally so write_nonblock should be called again after the underlying IO is readable.

IO::WaitWritable means SSL needs to write internally so write_nonblock should be called again after underlying IO is writable.

So OpenSSL::Buffering#write_nonblock needs two rescue clause as follows.

# emulates blocking write.
  result = ssl.write_nonblock(str)
rescue IO::WaitReadable[io])
rescue IO::WaitWritable, [io])

Note that one reason that write_nonblock reads from the underlying IO is when the peer requests a new TLS/SSL handshake. See the openssl FAQ for more details.