
require ‘bigdecimal/jacobian’

Provides methods to compute the Jacobian matrix of a set of equations at a point x. In the methods below:

f is an Object which is used to compute the Jacobian matrix of the equations. It must provide the following methods:


returns the values of all functions at x

returns 0.0

returns 1.0


returns 2.0


returns 10.0


returns the convergence criterion (epsilon value) used to determine whether two values are considered equal. If |a-b| < epsilon, the two values are considered equal.

x is the point at which to compute the Jacobian.

fx is f.values(x).

Instance Methods

Computes the derivative of f at x. fx is the value of f at x.

Determines the equality of two numbers by comparing to zero, or using the epsilon value

Computes the Jacobian of f at x. fx is the value of f at x.