Results for: "Pathname"

Returns an array of all non-nil elements:

a = [nil, 0, nil, 'a', false, nil, false, nil, 'a', nil, 0, nil]
a.compact # => [0, "a", false, false, "a", 0]

Computes the arctangent of decimal to the specified number of digits of precision, numeric.

If decimal is NaN, returns NaN.

BigMath.atan(BigDecimal('-1'), 16).to_s
#=> "-0.785398163397448309615660845819878471907514682065e0"

Start/resume the coverage measurement.

Caveat: Currently, only process-global coverage measurement is supported. You cannot measure per-thread coverage. If your process has multiple thread, using Coverage.resume/suspend to capture code coverage executed from only a limited code block, may yield misleading results.

Returns the state of the coverage measurement.

Provides a convenient Ruby iterator which executes a block for each entry in the /etc/passwd file.

The code block is passed an Passwd struct.

See ::getpwent above for details.


require 'etc'

Etc.passwd {|u|
  puts + " = " + u.gecos

Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given source.

Argument source contains the String to be parsed.

Argument opts, if given, contains a Hash of options for the parsing. See Parsing Options.

When source is a JSON array, returns a Ruby Array:

source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
ruby.class # => Array

When source is a JSON object, returns a Ruby Hash:

source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil}
ruby.class # => Hash

For examples of parsing for all JSON data types, see Parsing JSON.

Parses nested JSON objects:

source = <<-EOT
"name": "Dave",
  "age" :40,
  "hats": [
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}

Raises an exception if source is not valid JSON:

# Raises JSON::ParserError (783: unexpected token at ''):


parse(source, opts)

with source and possibly modified opts.

Differences from JSON.parse:

Returns a String containing the generated JSON data.

See also JSON.fast_generate, JSON.pretty_generate.

Argument obj is the Ruby object to be converted to JSON.

Argument opts, if given, contains a Hash of options for the generation. See Generating Options.

When obj is an Array, returns a String containing a JSON array:

obj = ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
json = JSON.generate(obj)
json # => '["foo",1.0,true,false,null]'

When obj is a Hash, returns a String containing a JSON object:

obj = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat}
json = JSON.generate(obj)
json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}'

For examples of generating from other Ruby objects, see Generating JSON from Other Objects.

Raises an exception if any formatting option is not a String.

Raises an exception if obj contains circular references:

a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a)
# Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 100 is too deep):

Parse a YAML string in yaml. Returns the Psych::Nodes::Document. filename is used in the exception message if a Psych::SyntaxError is raised.

Raises a Psych::SyntaxError when a YAML syntax error is detected.


Psych.parse("---\n - a\n - b") # => #<Psych::Nodes::Document:0x00>

  Psych.parse("--- `", filename: "file.txt")
rescue Psych::SyntaxError => ex
  ex.file    # => 'file.txt'
  ex.message # => "(file.txt): found character that cannot start any token"

See Psych::Nodes for more information about YAML AST.

Returns a default parser

Compresses the given string. Valid values of level are Zlib::NO_COMPRESSION, Zlib::BEST_SPEED, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION, Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, or an integer from 0 to 9.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def deflate(string, level)
  z =
  dst = z.deflate(string, Zlib::FINISH)

See also Zlib.inflate

Decompresses string. Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed for decompression.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def inflate(string)
  zstream =
  buf = zstream.inflate(string)

See also Zlib.deflate

This function compacts objects together in Ruby’s heap. It eliminates unused space (or fragmentation) in the heap by moving objects in to that unused space. This function returns a hash which contains statistics about which objects were moved. See GC.latest_gc_info for details about compaction statistics.

This method is implementation specific and not expected to be implemented in any implementation besides MRI.

To test whether GC compaction is supported, use the idiom:


Enables garbage collection, returning true if garbage collection was previously disabled.

GC.disable   #=> false
GC.enable    #=> true
GC.enable    #=> false

Returns a Hash containing information about the GC.

The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may change in the future without notice.

The hash includes information about internal statistics about GC such as:


The total number of garbage collections ran since application start (count includes both minor and major garbage collections)


The total time spent in garbage collections (in milliseconds)


The total number of :heap_eden_pages + :heap_tomb_pages


The number of pages that can fit into the buffer that holds references to all pages


The total number of pages the application could allocate without additional GC


The total number of slots in all :heap_allocated_pages


The total number of slots which contain live objects


The total number of slots which do not contain live objects


The total number of slots with pending finalizers to be run


The total number of objects marked in the last GC


The total number of pages which contain at least one live slot


The total number of pages which do not contain any live slots


The cumulative number of pages allocated since application start


The cumulative number of pages freed since application start


The cumulative number of objects allocated since application start


The cumulative number of objects freed since application start


Amount of memory allocated on the heap for objects. Decreased by any GC


When :malloc_increase_bytes crosses this limit, GC is triggered


The total number of minor garbage collections run since process start


The total number of major garbage collections run since process start


The total number of compactions run since process start


The total number of times the read barrier was triggered during compaction


The total number of objects compaction has moved


The total number of objects without write barriers


When :remembered_wb_unprotected_objects crosses this limit, major GC is triggered


Number of live, old objects which have survived at least 3 garbage collections


When :old_objects crosses this limit, major GC is triggered


Amount of memory allocated on the heap for objects. Decreased by major GC


When :old_malloc_increase_bytes crosses this limit, major GC is triggered

If the optional argument, hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

This method is only expected to work on CRuby.

Returns the time used to execute the given block as a Benchmark::Tms object. Takes label option.

require 'benchmark'

n = 1000000

time = Benchmark.measure do
  n.times { a = "1" }
puts time


0.220000   0.000000   0.220000 (  0.227313)

Returns the elapsed real time used to execute the given block.

Returns the time used to execute the given block as a Benchmark::Tms object. Takes label option.

require 'benchmark'

n = 1000000

time = Benchmark.measure do
  n.times { a = "1" }
puts time


0.220000   0.000000   0.220000 (  0.227313)

Returns the elapsed real time used to execute the given block.

The standard configuration object for gems.

Use the given configuration object (which implements the ConfigFile protocol) as the standard configuration object.

A Zlib::Deflate.deflate wrapper

Set array of platforms this RubyGems supports (primarily for testing).

Array of platforms this RubyGems supports.

Prints the amount of time the supplied block takes to run using the debug UI output.

Search took: 7ms  ·  Total Results: 2920