Results for: "partition"

Returns true for IPv6 multicast site-local scope address. It returns false otherwise.

No documentation available

Returns true when OLE object has OLE method, otherwise returns false.

ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')
ie.ole_respond_to?("gohome") => true

Invoked as a callback whenever a singleton method is added to the receiver.

module Chatty
  def Chatty.singleton_method_added(id)
    puts "Adding #{id.id2name}"
  def     end
  def two()          end
  def Chatty.three() end


Adding singleton_method_added
Adding one
Adding three

Invoked as a callback whenever a singleton method is removed from the receiver.

module Chatty
  def Chatty.singleton_method_removed(id)
    puts "Removing #{id.id2name}"
  def     end
  def two()          end
  def Chatty.three() end
  class << self
    remove_method :three
    remove_method :one


Removing three
Removing one

Invoked as a callback whenever a singleton method is undefined in the receiver.

module Chatty
  def Chatty.singleton_method_undefined(id)
    puts "Undefining #{id.id2name}"
  def   end
  class << self


Undefining one

Checks for a method provided by this the delegate object by forwarding the call through _getobj_.

Render a template on a new toplevel binding with local variables specified by a Hash object.

Returns the value of the local variable symbol.

def foo
  a = 1
  binding.local_variable_get(:a) #=> 1
  binding.local_variable_get(:b) #=> NameError

This method is the short version of the following code:


Set local variable named symbol as obj.

def foo
  a = 1
  bind = binding
  bind.local_variable_set(:a, 2) # set existing local variable `a'
  bind.local_variable_set(:b, 3) # create new local variable `b'
                                 # `b' exists only in binding

  p bind.local_variable_get(:a)  #=> 2
  p bind.local_variable_get(:b)  #=> 3
  p a                            #=> 2
  p b                            #=> NameError

This method behaves similarly to the following code:

binding.eval("#{symbol} = #{obj}")

if obj can be dumped in Ruby code.

Returns true if a local variable symbol exists.

def foo
  a = 1
  binding.local_variable_defined?(:a) #=> true
  binding.local_variable_defined?(:b) #=> false

This method is the short version of the following code:

binding.eval("defined?(#{symbol}) == 'local-variable'")
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns the value of a thread local variable that has been set. Note that these are different than fiber local values. For fiber local values, please see Thread#[] and Thread#[]=.

Thread local values are carried along with threads, and do not respect fibers. For example: {
  Thread.current.thread_variable_set("foo", "bar") # set a thread local
  Thread.current["foo"] = "bar"                    # set a fiber local {
    Fiber.yield [
      Thread.current.thread_variable_get("foo"), # get the thread local
      Thread.current["foo"],                     # get the fiber local
}.join.value # => ['bar', nil]

The value “bar” is returned for the thread local, where nil is returned for the fiber local. The fiber is executed in the same thread, so the thread local values are available.

Sets a thread local with key to value. Note that these are local to threads, and not to fibers. Please see Thread#thread_variable_get and Thread#[] for more information.

With a block given, calls the block with each element and its index; returns self:

h = {}
(1..4).each_with_index {|element, i| h[element] = i } # => 1..4
h # => {1=>0, 2=>1, 3=>2, 4=>3}

h = {}
%w[a b c d].each_with_index {|element, i| h[element] = i }
# => ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
h # => {"a"=>0, "b"=>1, "c"=>2, "d"=>3}

a = []
h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.each_with_index {|element, i| a.push([i, element]) }
# => {:foo=>0, :bar=>1, :baz=>2}
a # => [[0, [:foo, 0]], [1, [:bar, 1]], [2, [:baz, 2]]]

With no block given, returns an Enumerator.

Calls the block once for each element, passing both the element and the given object:

(1..4).each_with_object([]) {|i, a| a.push(i**2) }
# => [1, 4, 9, 16]

{foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}.each_with_object({}) {|(k, v), h| h[v] = k }
# => {0=>:foo, 1=>:bar, 2=>:baz}

With no block given, returns an Enumerator.

Attempts to enter exclusive section. Returns false if lock fails.

For backward compatibility

No documentation available
No documentation available

Glob pattern for require-able plugin suffixes.

Suffixes for dynamic library require-able paths.

Clear default gem related variables. It is for test

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