Results for: "Data"

No documentation available

Generic exception class of the Timestamp module.

No documentation available
No documentation available

TimeStamp struct

Handles “Negotiate” type authentication. Geared towards authenticating with a proxy server over HTTP

Raised when the buffer cannot be allocated for some reason, or you try to use a buffer that’s not allocated.

Class for representing HTTP method PATCH:

require 'net/http'
uri = URI('')
hostname = uri.hostname # => ""
uri.path = '/posts'
req = # => #<Net::HTTP::Patch PATCH>
req.body = '{"title": "foo","body": "bar","userId": 1}'
req.content_type = 'application/json'
res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http|

See Request Headers.



Class for representing WebDAV method PROPPATCH:

require 'net/http'
uri = URI('')
hostname = uri.hostname # => ""
req = # => #<Net::HTTP::Proppatch PROPPATCH>
res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http|

See Request Headers.


Switch that takes an argument.

Switch that takes an argument, which does not begin with ‘-’ or is ‘-’.

The result of parsing a pack template.

Raised when the query given to a pattern is either invalid Ruby syntax or is using syntax that we don’t yet support.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Gem installer command line tool

See ‘gem help install`

No documentation available
No documentation available

Gem uninstaller command line tool

See ‘gem help uninstall`

No documentation available
No documentation available

Raised when a tar file is corrupt

A header for a tar file

TarReader reads tar files and allows iteration over their items

Allows writing of tar files

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