Results for: "partition"

Methods BigDecimal#as_json and BigDecimal.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a BigDecimal object; see Marshal.

Method BigDecimal#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/bigdecimal'
x = BigDecimal(2).as_json             # => {"json_class"=>"BigDecimal", "b"=>"27:0.2e1"}
y = BigDecimal(2.0, 4).as_json        # => {"json_class"=>"BigDecimal", "b"=>"36:0.2e1"}
z = BigDecimal(Complex(2, 0)).as_json # => {"json_class"=>"BigDecimal", "b"=>"27:0.2e1"}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a BigDecimal object:

BigDecimal.json_create(x) # => 0.2e1
BigDecimal.json_create(y) # => 0.2e1
BigDecimal.json_create(z) # => 0.2e1

Returns a JSON string representing self:

require 'json/add/bigdecimal'
puts BigDecimal(2).to_json
puts BigDecimal(2.0, 4).to_json
puts BigDecimal(Complex(2, 0)).to_json



See as_json.

Methods OpenStruct#as_json and OpenStruct.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a OpenStruct object; see Marshal.

Method OpenStruct#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/ostruct'
x ='name' => 'Rowdy', :age => nil).as_json
# => {"json_class"=>"OpenStruct", "t"=>{:name=>'Rowdy', :age=>nil}}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a OpenStruct object:

# => #<OpenStruct name='Rowdy', age=nil>

Returns a JSON string representing self:

require 'json/add/ostruct'
puts'name' => 'Rowdy', :age => nil).to_json



Yields all attributes (as symbols) along with the corresponding values or returns an enumerator if no block is given.

require "ostruct"
data ="country" => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra")
data.each_pair.to_a   # => [[:country, "Australia"], [:capital, "Canberra"]]

See as_json.

Methods Range#as_json and Range.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a Range object; see Marshal.

Method Range#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/range'
x = (1..4).as_json     # => {"json_class"=>"Range", "a"=>[1, 4, false]}
y = (1...4).as_json    # => {"json_class"=>"Range", "a"=>[1, 4, true]}
z = ('a'..'d').as_json # => {"json_class"=>"Range", "a"=>["a", "d", false]}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a Range object:

Range.json_create(x) # => 1..4
Range.json_create(y) # => 1...4
Range.json_create(z) # => "a".."d"

Returns a JSON string representing self:

require 'json/add/range'
puts (1..4).to_json
puts (1...4).to_json
puts ('a'..'d').to_json



See as_json.

Methods Rational#as_json and Rational.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a Rational object; see Marshal.

Method Rational#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/rational'
x = Rational(2, 3).as_json
# => {"json_class"=>"Rational", "n"=>2, "d"=>3}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a Rational object:

# => (2/3)

Returns a JSON string representing self:

require 'json/add/rational'
puts Rational(2, 3).to_json



See as_json.

Methods Regexp#as_json and Regexp.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a Regexp object; see Marshal.

Method Regexp#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/regexp'
x = /foo/.as_json
# => {"json_class"=>"Regexp", "o"=>0, "s"=>"foo"}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a Regexp object:

Regexp.json_create(x) # => /foo/

Returns a JSON string representing self:

require 'json/add/regexp'
puts /foo/.to_json



See as_json.

Methods Set#as_json and Set.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a Set object; see Marshal.

Method Set#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/set'
x = bar baz/).as_json
# => {"json_class"=>"Set", "a"=>["foo", "bar", "baz"]}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a Set object:

Set.json_create(x) # => #<Set: {"foo", "bar", "baz"}>

Returns a JSON string representing self:

require 'json/add/set'
puts bar baz/).to_json



See as_json.

Methods Struct#as_json and Struct.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a Struct object; see Marshal.

Method Struct#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/struct'
Customer ='Customer', :name, :address, :zip)
x =
# => {"json_class"=>"Struct::Customer", "v"=>[nil, nil, nil]}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a Struct object:

# => #<struct Struct::Customer name=nil, address=nil, zip=nil>

Returns a JSON string representing self:

require 'json/add/struct'
Customer ='Customer', :name, :address, :zip)



Returns true if the class was initialized with keyword_init: true. Otherwise returns nil or false.


Foo =
Foo.keyword_init? # => nil
Bar =, keyword_init: true)
Bar.keyword_init? # => true
Baz =, keyword_init: false)
Baz.keyword_init? # => false

Calls the given block with each member name/value pair; returns self:

Customer =, :address, :zip) # => Customer
joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.each_pair {|(name, value)| p "#{name} => #{value}" }


"name => Joe Smith"
"address => 123 Maple, Anytown NC"
"zip => 12345"

Returns an Enumerator if no block is given.

Related: each.

Returns a hash of the name/value pairs for the given member names.

Customer =, :address, :zip)
joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
h = joe.deconstruct_keys([:zip, :address])
h # => {:zip=>12345, :address=>"123 Maple, Anytown NC"}

Returns all names and values if array_of_names is nil:

h = joe.deconstruct_keys(nil)
h # => {:name=>"Joseph Smith, Jr.", :address=>"123 Maple, Anytown NC", :zip=>12345}

Methods Symbol#as_json and Symbol.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a Symbol object; see Marshal.

Method Symbol#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/symbol'
x = :foo.as_json
# => {"json_class"=>"Symbol", "s"=>"foo"}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a Symbol object:

Symbol.json_create(x) # => :foo
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