Results for: "module_function"

An Encoding instance represents a character encoding usable in Ruby. It is defined as a constant under the Encoding namespace. It has a name and, optionally, aliases:  # => "US-ASCII"
Encoding::US_ASCII.names # => ["US-ASCII", "ASCII", "ANSI_X3.4-1968", "646"]

A Ruby method that accepts an encoding as an argument will accept:

These are equivalent:

'foo'.encode(Encoding::US_ASCII) # Encoding object.
'foo'.encode('US-ASCII')         # Encoding name.
'foo'.encode('ASCII')            # Encoding alias.

For a full discussion of encodings and their uses, see the Encodings document.

Encoding::ASCII_8BIT is a special-purpose encoding that is usually used for a string of bytes, not a string of characters. But as the name indicates, its characters in the ASCII range are considered as ASCII characters. This is useful when you use other ASCII-compatible encodings.

Raised when a feature is not implemented on the current platform. For example, methods depending on the fsync or fork system calls may raise this exception if the underlying operating system or Ruby runtime does not support them.

Note that if fork raises a NotImplementedError, then respond_to?(:fork) returns false.

EncodingError is the base class for encoding errors.

Use the Monitor class when you want to have a lock object for blocks with mutual exclusion.

require 'monitor'

lock =
lock.synchronize do
  # exclusive access

In concurrent programming, a monitor is an object or module intended to be used safely by more than one thread. The defining characteristic of a monitor is that its methods are executed with mutual exclusion. That is, at each point in time, at most one thread may be executing any of its methods. This mutual exclusion greatly simplifies reasoning about the implementation of monitors compared to reasoning about parallel code that updates a data structure.

You can read more about the general principles on the Wikipedia page for Monitors.


Simple object.extend

require 'monitor.rb'

buf = []
empty_cond = buf.new_cond

# consumer
Thread.start do
  loop do
    buf.synchronize do
      empty_cond.wait_while { buf.empty? }
      print buf.shift

# producer
while line = ARGF.gets
  buf.synchronize do

The consumer thread waits for the producer thread to push a line to buf while buf.empty?. The producer thread (main thread) reads a line from ARGF and pushes it into buf then calls empty_cond.signal to notify the consumer thread of new data.

Simple Class include

require 'monitor'

class SynchronizedArray < Array

  include MonitorMixin

  def initialize(*args)

  alias :old_shift :shift
  alias :old_unshift :unshift

  def shift(n=1)
    self.synchronize do

  def unshift(item)
    self.synchronize do

  # other methods ...

SynchronizedArray implements an Array with synchronized access to items. This Class is implemented as subclass of Array which includes the MonitorMixin module.

Namespace for file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.

What’s Here

First, what’s elsewhere. Module FileUtils:

Here, module FileUtils provides methods that are useful for:









Path Arguments

Some methods in FileUtils accept path arguments, which are interpreted as paths to filesystem entries:

About the Examples

Some examples here involve trees of file entries. For these, we sometimes display trees using the tree command-line utility, which is a recursive directory-listing utility that produces a depth-indented listing of files and directories.

We use a helper method to launch the command and control the format:

def tree(dirpath = '.')
  command = "tree --noreport --charset=ascii #{dirpath}"

To illustrate:

# => src0
#    |-- sub0
#    |   |-- src0.txt
#    |   `-- src1.txt
#    `-- sub1
#        |-- src2.txt
#        `-- src3.txt

Avoiding the TOCTTOU Vulnerability

For certain methods that recursively remove entries, there is a potential vulnerability called the Time-of-check to time-of-use, or TOCTTOU, vulnerability that can exist when:

To avoid that vulnerability, you can use this method to remove entries:

Also available are these methods, each of which calls FileUtils.remove_entry_secure:

Finally, this method for moving entries calls FileUtils.remove_entry_secure if the source and destination are on different file systems (which means that the “move” is really a copy and remove):

Method FileUtils.remove_entry_secure removes securely by applying a special pre-process:

WARNING: You must ensure that ALL parent directories cannot be moved by other untrusted users. For example, parent directories should not be owned by untrusted users, and should not be world writable except when the sticky bit is set.

For details of this security vulnerability, see Perl cases:

The Singleton module implements the Singleton pattern.


To use Singleton, include the module in your class.

class Klass
   include Singleton
   # ...

This ensures that only one instance of Klass can be created.

a,b = Klass.instance, Klass.instance

a == b
# => true
# => NoMethodError - new is private ...

The instance is created at upon the first call of Klass.instance().

class OtherKlass
  include Singleton
  # ...

# => 0

# => 1

This behavior is preserved under inheritance and cloning.


This above is achieved by:

Singleton and Marshal

By default Singleton’s _dump(depth) returns the empty string. Marshalling by default will strip state information, e.g. instance variables from the instance. Classes using Singleton can provide custom _load(str) and _dump(depth) methods to retain some of the previous state of the instance.

require 'singleton'

class Example
  include Singleton
  attr_accessor :keep, :strip
  def _dump(depth)
    # this strips the @strip information from the instance
    Marshal.dump(@keep, depth)

  def self._load(str)
    instance.keep = Marshal.load(str)

a = Example.instance
a.keep = "keep this"
a.strip = "get rid of this"

stored_state = Marshal.dump(a)

a.keep = nil
a.strip = nil
b = Marshal.load(stored_state)
p a == b  #  => true
p a.keep  #  => "keep this"
p a.strip #  => nil

define UnicodeNormalize module here so that we don’t have to look it up

Response class for Unprocessable Entity responses (status code 422).

The request was well-formed but had semantic errors.


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Signals that a file permission error is preventing the user from operating on the given directory.

There are three main phases in the algorithm:

  1. Sanitize/format input source

  2. Search for invalid blocks

  3. Format invalid blocks into something meaninful

The Code frontier is a critical part of the second step

## Knowing where we’ve been

Once a code block is generated it is added onto the frontier. Then it will be sorted by indentation and frontier can be filtered. Large blocks that fully enclose a smaller block will cause the smaller block to be evicted.

CodeFrontier#<<(block) # Adds block to frontier
CodeFrontier#pop # Removes block from frontier

## Knowing where we can go

Internally the frontier keeps track of “unvisited” lines which are exposed via ‘next_indent_line` when called, this method returns, a line of code with the highest indentation.

The returned line of code can be used to build a CodeBlock and then that code block is added back to the frontier. Then, the lines are removed from the “unvisited” so we don’t double-create the same block.

CodeFrontier#next_indent_line # Shows next line
CodeFrontier#register_indent_block(block) # Removes lines from unvisited

## Knowing when to stop

The frontier knows how to check the entire document for a syntax error. When blocks are added onto the frontier, they’re removed from the document. When all code containing syntax errors has been added to the frontier, the document will be parsable without a syntax error and the search can stop.

CodeFrontier#holds_all_syntax_errors? # Returns true when frontier holds all syntax errors

## Filtering false positives

Once the search is completed, the frontier may have multiple blocks that do not contain the syntax error. To limit the result to the smallest subset of “invalid blocks” call:


Mixin module providing HTML generation methods.

For example,

cgi.a("") { "Example" }
  # => "<A HREF=\"\">Example</A>"

Modules Html3, Html4, etc., contain more basic HTML-generation methods (#title, #h1, etc.).

See class CGI for a detailed example.

Enumerator::Product generates a Cartesian product of any number of enumerable objects. Iterating over the product of enumerable objects is roughly equivalent to nested each_entry loops where the loop for the rightmost object is put innermost.

innings =, ['top', 'bottom'])

innings.each do |i, h|
  p [i, h]
# [1, "top"]
# [1, "bottom"]
# [2, "top"]
# [2, "bottom"]
# [3, "top"]
# [3, "bottom"]
# ...
# [9, "top"]
# [9, "bottom"]

The method used against each enumerable object is ‘each_entry` instead of `each` so that the product of N enumerable objects yields an array of exactly N elements in each iteration.

When no enumerator is given, it calls a given block once yielding an empty argument list.

This type of objects can be created by Enumerator.product.

Response class for Multiple Choices responses (status code 300).

The Multiple Choices response indicates that the server offers multiple options for the resource from which the client may choose.


Response class for Multiple Choices responses (status code 300).

The Multiple Choices response indicates that the server offers multiple options for the resource from which the client may choose.


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Find mis-matched syntax based on lexical count

Used for detecting missing pairs of elements each keyword needs an end, each ‘{’ needs a ‘}’ etc.


left_right =
# => "end"

left_right =
source = "{ a: b, c: d" # Note missing '}' source).each do |lex|
# => "}"

Configuration options for dumping YAML.

An InstalledSpecification represents a gem that is already installed locally.

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Cleared reference exception

Search took: 13ms  ·  Total Results: 3609