Results for: "tally"

Returns value specified by the member name of VT_RECORD OLE object. If the member name is not correct, KeyError exception is raised. If you can’t access member variable of VT_RECORD OLE object directly, use this method.

If COM server in VB.NET ComServer project is the following:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ComClass
    Public Structure ComObject
        Public object_id As Ineger
    End Structure
End Class

and Ruby Object class has title attribute:

then accessing object_id of ComObject from Ruby is as the following:

srver ='ComServer.ComClass')
obj ='ComObject', server)
# obj.object_id returns Ruby Object#object_id
obj.ole_instance_variable_get(:object_id) # => nil

Sets value specified by the member name of VT_RECORD OLE object. If the member name is not correct, KeyError exception is raised. If you can’t set value of member of VT_RECORD OLE object directly, use this method.

If COM server in VB.NET ComServer project is the following:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ComClass
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> _
    Public title As String
    Public cost As Integer
End Class

then setting value of the ‘title’ member is as following:

srver ='ComServer.ComClass')
obj ='Book', server)
obj.ole_instance_variable_set(:title, "The Ruby Book")




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No documentation available

The offset from the start of the file in code units of the given encoding.

The column number in code units of the given encoding where this location starts from the start of the line.

in foo | bar

in Prism::ConstantReadNode

in ConstantReadNode in String

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

vi-kill-line-prev (vi: Ctrl-U) Delete the string from the beginning of the edit buffer to the cursor and save it to the cut buffer.

GNU Readline

unix-line-discard (C-u) Kill backward from the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns the full name of this Gem (see ‘Gem::BasicSpecification#full_name`). Information about where the gem is installed is also included if not installed in the default GEM_HOME.

Get a single optional argument from the command line. If more than one argument is given, return only the first. Return nil if none are given.

No documentation available

Find the best specification matching a full_name.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Scanning is intentionally conservative because we have no way of rolling back an aggressive block (at this time)

If a block was stopped for some trivial reason, (like an empty line) but the next line would have caused it to be balanced then we can check that condition and grab just one more line either up or down.

For example, below if we’re scanning up, line 2 might cause the scanning to stop. This is because empty lines might denote logical breaks where the user intended to chunk code which is a good place to stop and check validity. Unfortunately it also means we might have a “dangling” keyword or end.

1 def bark
3 end

If lines 2 and 3 are in the block, then when this method is run it would see it is unbalanced, but that acquiring line 1 would make it balanced, so that’s what it does.

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