Results for: "tally"

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Returns detail information of return value type of method. The information is array.

tobj ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'Workbooks')
method =, 'Add')
p method.return_type_detail # => ["PTR", "USERDEFINED", "Workbook"]

Returns detail information of type of argument.

tobj ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'IWorksheetFunction')
method =, 'SumIf')
param1 = method.params[0]
p param1.ole_type_detail # => ["PTR", "USERDEFINED", "Range"]

Returns detail information of type. The information is array of type.

tobj ='DirectX 7 for Visual Basic Type Library', 'D3DCLIPSTATUS')
variable = tobj.variables.find {|variable| == 'lFlags'}
tdetail  = variable.ole_type_detail
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Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant. For example: [:Foo]

Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant. For example: [:Foo]

Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant path. For example: [:Foo, :Bar]

Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant path. For example: [:Foo, :Bar]

Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant. For example: [:Foo]

When a call node has the attribute_write flag set, it means that the call is using the attribute write syntax. This is either a method call to []= or a method call to a method that ends with =. Either way, the = sign is present in the source.

Prism returns the message_loc without the = sign attached, because there can be any amount of space between the message and the = sign. However, sometimes you want the location of the full message including the inner space and the = sign. This method provides that.

The character offset from the beginning of the source where this location starts.

The content of the line where this location starts before this location.

The column number in characters where this location ends from the start of the line.

Compile a name associated with a constant.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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