Results for: "minmax"

Same as IO.

Same as IO.

The line number of the last row read from this file.

Specify line number of the last row read from this file.

Resets the position of the file pointer to the point created the GzipReader object. The associated IO object needs to respond to the seek method.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

Returns the inode number for stat.

File.stat("testfile").ino   #=> 1083669

Returns the number of hard links to stat.

File.stat("testfile").nlink             #=> 1"testfile", "testfile.bak")   #=> 0
File.stat("testfile").nlink             #=> 2

Produce a nicely formatted description of stat.

   #=> "#<File::Stat dev=0xe000005, ino=1078078, mode=0100644,
   #    nlink=1, uid=0, gid=0, rdev=0x0, size=1374, blksize=4096,
   #    blocks=8, atime=Wed Dec 10 10:16:12 CST 2003,
   #    mtime=Fri Sep 12 15:41:41 CDT 2003,
   #    ctime=Mon Oct 27 11:20:27 CST 2003,
   #    birthtime=Mon Aug 04 08:13:49 CDT 2003>"

Returns true if stat is a symbolic link, false if it isn’t or if the operating system doesn’t support this feature. As File::stat automatically follows symbolic links, symlink? will always be false for an object returned by File::stat.

File.symlink("testfile", "alink")   #=> 0
File.stat("alink").symlink?         #=> false
File.lstat("alink").symlink?        #=> true

Creates a new string of the given length and yields a zero-copy IO::Buffer instance to the block which uses the string as a source. The block is expected to write to the buffer and the string will be returned.

IO::Buffer.string(4) do |buffer|
# => "Ruby"

Create an IO::Buffer for reading from file by memory-mapping the file. file_io should be a File instance, opened for reading.

Optional size and offset of mapping can be specified.

By default, the buffer would be immutable (read only); to create a writable mapping, you need to open a file in read-write mode, and explicitly pass flags argument without IO::Buffer::IMMUTABLE.

File.write('test.txt', 'test')

buffer ='test.txt'), nil, 0, IO::Buffer::READONLY)
# => #<IO::Buffer 0x00000001014a0000+4 MAPPED READONLY>

buffer.readonly?   # => true

# => "test"

buffer.set_string('b', 0)
# `set_string': Buffer is not writable! (IO::Buffer::AccessError)

# create read/write mapping: length 4 bytes, offset 0, flags 0
buffer ='test.txt', 'r+'), 4, 0)
buffer.set_string('b', 0)
# => 1

# Check it'test.txt')
# => "best"

Note that some operating systems may not have cache coherency between mapped buffers and file reads.

Inspect the buffer and report useful information about it’s internal state. Only a limited portion of the buffer will be displayed in a hexdump style format.

buffer = IO::Buffer.for("Hello World")
puts buffer.inspect
# #<IO::Buffer 0x000000010198ccd8+11 EXTERNAL READONLY SLICE>
# 0x00000000  48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64                Hello World

If the buffer is internal, meaning it references memory allocated by the buffer itself.

An internal buffer is not associated with any external memory (e.g. string) or file mapping.

Internal buffers are created using ::new and is the default when the requested size is less than the IO::Buffer::PAGE_SIZE and it was not requested to be mapped on creation.

Internal buffers can be resized, and such an operation will typically invalidate all slices, but not always.

If the buffer is mapped, meaning it references memory mapped by the buffer.

Mapped buffers are either anonymous, if created by ::new with the IO::Buffer::MAPPED flag or if the size was at least IO::Buffer::PAGE_SIZE, or backed by a file if created with ::map.

Mapped buffers can usually be resized, and such an operation will typically invalidate all slices, but not always.

Returns a human-readable string representation of this instruction sequence, including the label and path.

Returns the contents of this Tms object as a formatted string, according to a format string like that passed to Kernel.format. In addition, format accepts the following extensions:


Replaced by the user CPU time, as reported by Tms#utime.


Replaced by the system CPU time, as reported by stime (Mnemonic: y of “s*y*stem”)


Replaced by the children’s user CPU time, as reported by Tms#cutime


Replaced by the children’s system CPU time, as reported by Tms#cstime


Replaced by the total CPU time, as reported by Tms#total


Replaced by the elapsed real time, as reported by Tms#real


Replaced by the label string, as reported by Tms#label (Mnemonic: n of “*n*ame”)

If format is not given, FORMAT is used as default value, detailing the user, system and real elapsed time.

A summary of cookie string.

No documentation available

Returns a string representation of self:
# => "#<Net::HTTP open=false>"

Finishes the HTTP session:

http =
http.started? # => true
http.finish   # => nil
http.started? # => false

Raises IOError if not in a session.

Sends a PROPFIND request to the server; returns an instance of a subclass of Net::HTTPResponse.

The request is based on the Net::HTTP::Propfind object created from string path, string body, and initial headers hash initheader.

data = '{"userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false}'
http =
http.propfind('/todos/1', data)

Returns a string representation of the request: # => "#<Net::HTTP::Post POST>"
No documentation available
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