Results for: "match"

Returns the denominator (always positive).

Returns a string containing the first character of self:

s = 'foo' # => "foo"
s.chr     # => "f"

Returns an array of the characters in self:

'hello'.chars     # => ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
'тест'.chars      # => ["т", "е", "с", "т"]
'こんにちは'.chars # => ["こ", "ん", "に", "ち", "は"]

Concatenates each object in objects to self and returns self:

s = 'foo'
s.concat('bar', 'baz') # => "foobarbaz"
s                      # => "foobarbaz"

For each given object object that is an Integer, the value is considered a codepoint and converted to a character before concatenation:

s = 'foo'
s.concat(32, 'bar', 32, 'baz') # => "foo bar baz"

Related: String#<<, which takes a single argument.

Returns a new string copied from self, with trailing characters possibly removed.

Removes "\r\n" if those are the last two characters.

"abc\r\n".chop      # => "abc"
"тест\r\n".chop     # => "тест"
"こんにちは\r\n".chop # => "こんにちは"

Otherwise removes the last character if it exists.

'abcd'.chop     # => "abc"
'тест'.chop     # => "тес"
'こんにちは'.chop # => "こんにち"
''.chop         # => ""

If you only need to remove the newline separator at the end of the string, String#chomp is a better alternative.

Returns a new string copied from self, with trailing characters possibly removed:

When line_sep is "\n", removes the last one or two characters if they are "\r", "\n", or "\r\n" (but not "\n\r"):

$/                    # => "\n"
"abc\r".chomp         # => "abc"
"abc\n".chomp         # => "abc"
"abc\r\n".chomp       # => "abc"
"abc\n\r".chomp       # => "abc\n"
"тест\r\n".chomp      # => "тест"
"こんにちは\r\n".chomp  # => "こんにちは"

When line_sep is '' (an empty string), removes multiple trailing occurrences of "\n" or "\r\n" (but not "\r" or "\n\r"):

"abc\n\n\n".chomp('')           # => "abc"
"abc\r\n\r\n\r\n".chomp('')     # => "abc"
"abc\n\n\r\n\r\n\n\n".chomp('') # => "abc"
"abc\n\r\n\r\n\r".chomp('')     # => "abc\n\r\n\r\n\r"
"abc\r\r\r".chomp('')           # => "abc\r\r\r"

When line_sep is neither "\n" nor '', removes a single trailing line separator if there is one:

'abcd'.chomp('d')  # => "abc"
'abcdd'.chomp('d') # => "abcd"

Like String#chop, but modifies self in place; returns nil if self is empty, self otherwise.

Related: String#chomp!.

Like String#chomp, but modifies self in place; returns nil if no modification made, self otherwise.

Returns self truncated (toward zero) to a precision of ndigits decimal digits.

When ndigits is positive, returns a float with ndigits digits after the decimal point (as available):

f = 12345.6789
f.truncate(1) # => 12345.6
f.truncate(3) # => 12345.678
f = -12345.6789
f.truncate(1) # => -12345.6
f.truncate(3) # => -12345.678

When ndigits is negative, returns an integer with at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros:

f = 12345.6789
f.truncate(0)  # => 12345
f.truncate(-3) # => 12000
f = -12345.6789
f.truncate(0)  # => -12345
f.truncate(-3) # => -12000

Note that the limited precision of floating-point arithmetic may lead to surprising results:

(0.3 / 0.1).truncate  #=> 2 (!)

Related: Float#round.

No documentation available

Returns true if self is less than 0, false otherwise.

Returns the numerator. The result is machine dependent.

n = 0.3.numerator    #=> 5404319552844595
d = 0.3.denominator  #=> 18014398509481984
n.fdiv(d)            #=> 0.3

See also Float#denominator.

Returns the denominator (always positive). The result is machine dependent.

See also Float#numerator.

Returns a simpler approximation of the value (flt-|eps| <= result <= flt+|eps|). If the optional argument eps is not given, it will be chosen automatically.

0.3.rationalize          #=> (3/10)
1.333.rationalize        #=> (1333/1000)
1.333.rationalize(0.01)  #=> (4/3)

See also Float#to_r.

Returns the Fiber scheduler, that was last set for the current thread with Fiber.set_scheduler. Returns nil if no scheduler is set (which is the default), and non-blocking fibers’ behavior is the same as blocking. (see “Non-blocking fibers” section in class docs for details about the scheduler concept).

The method is expected to immediately run the provided block of code in a separate non-blocking fiber.

puts "Go to sleep!"


Fiber.schedule do
  puts "Going to sleep"
  puts "I slept well"

puts "Wakey-wakey, sleepyhead"

Assuming MyScheduler is properly implemented, this program will produce:

Go to sleep!
Going to sleep
Wakey-wakey, sleepyhead
...1 sec pause here...
I slept well

…e.g. on the first blocking operation inside the Fiber (sleep(1)), the control is yielded to the outside code (main fiber), and at the end of that execution, the scheduler takes care of properly resuming all the blocked fibers.

Note that the behavior described above is how the method is expected to behave, actual behavior is up to the current scheduler’s implementation of Fiber::Scheduler#fiber method. Ruby doesn’t enforce this method to behave in any particular way.

If the scheduler is not set, the method raises RuntimeError (No scheduler is available!).

Calls the block with each entry name in the directory at dirpath; sets the given encoding onto each passed entry_name:

Dir.foreach('/example') {|entry_name| p entry_name }




Dir.foreach('/example') {|entry_name| p entry_name.encoding; break }
Dir.foreach('/example', encoding: 'US-ASCII') {|entry_name| p entry_name.encoding; break }



See String Encoding.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Returns an array of the entry names in the directory at dirpath except for '.' and '..'; sets the given encoding onto each returned entry name:

Dir.children('/example') # => ["config.h", "lib", "main.rb"]
# => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
Dir.children('/example', encoding: 'US-ASCII').first.encoding
# => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

See String Encoding.

Raises an exception if the directory does not exist.

Returns the dirpath string that was used to create self (or nil if created by method Dir.for_fd):'example').path # => "example"

Calls the block with each entry name in self:'example').each {|entry_name| p entry_name }



With no block given, returns an Enumerator.

Returns an array of the entry names in self except for '.' and '..':

dir ='/example')
dir.children # => ["config.h", "lib", "main.rb"]

Changes the current working directory to self:

Dir.pwd # => "/"
dir ='example')
Dir.pwd # => "/example"

With a block, temporarily changes the working directory:

Uses Dir.fchdir if available, and Dir.chdir if not, see those methods for caveats.

Changes the current working directory to the directory specified by the integer file descriptor fd.

When passing a file descriptor over a UNIX socket or to a child process, using fchdir instead of chdir avoids the time-of-check to time-of-use vulnerability

With no block, changes to the directory given by fd:

Dir.pwd # => "/var/spool/mail"
dir  ='/usr')
fd = dir.fileno
Dir.pwd # => "/usr"

With a block, temporarily changes the working directory:


Dir.pwd # => "/var/spool/mail"
dir  ='/tmp')
fd = dir.fileno
Dir.fchdir(fd) do
  Dir.pwd # => "/tmp"
Dir.pwd # => "/var/spool/mail"

This method uses the fchdir() function defined by POSIX 2008; the method is not implemented on non-POSIX platforms (raises NotImplementedError).

Raises an exception if the file descriptor is not valid.

In a multi-threaded program an error is raised if a thread attempts to open a chdir block while another thread has one open, or a call to chdir without a block occurs inside a block passed to chdir (even in the same thread).

Changes the current working directory.

With argument new_dirpath and no block, changes to the given dirpath:

Dir.pwd         # => "/example"
Dir.chdir('..') # => 0
Dir.pwd         # => "/"

With no argument and no block:

With argument new_dirpath and a block, temporarily changes the working directory:


Dir.pwd   # => "/var/spool/mail"
Dir.chdir('/tmp') do
  Dir.pwd # => "/tmp"
Dir.pwd   # => "/var/spool/mail"

With no argument and a block, calls the block with the current working directory (string) and returns the block’s return value.

Calls to Dir.chdir with blocks may be nested:

Dir.pwd     # => "/var/spool/mail"
Dir.chdir('/tmp') do
  Dir.pwd   # => "/tmp"
  Dir.chdir('/usr') do
    Dir.pwd # => "/usr"
  Dir.pwd   # => "/tmp"
Dir.pwd     # => "/var/spool/mail"

In a multi-threaded program an error is raised if a thread attempts to open a chdir block while another thread has one open, or a call to chdir without a block occurs inside a block passed to chdir (even in the same thread).

Raises an exception if the target directory does not exist.

Changes the root directory of the calling process to that specified in dirpath. The new root directory is used for pathnames beginning with '/'. The root directory is inherited by all children of the calling process.

Only a privileged process may call chroot.

See Linux chroot.

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