Results for: "strip"

Called when the YAML stream ends

No documentation available

End a stream emission

See Psych::Handler#end_stream

Returns true if the stream is finished.

It returns recorded script lines if it is available. The script lines are not limited to the iseq range, but are entire lines of the source file.

Note that this is an API for ruby internal use, debugging, and research. Do not use this for any other purpose. The compatibility is not guaranteed.

Sets the maximum number of times to retry an idempotent request in case of Net::ReadTimeout, IOError, EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::EPIPE, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Timeout::Error. The initial value is 1.

Argument retries must be a non-negative numeric value:

http =
http.max_retries = 2   # => 2
http.max_retries       # => 2

Sends a POST request to the server; forms the response into a Net::HTTPResponse object.

The request is based on the Net::HTTP::Post object created from string path, string data, and initial headers hash initheader.

With no block given, returns the response object:

http ='/todos', 'xyzzy')
# => #<Net::HTTPCreated 201 Created readbody=true>

With a block given, calls the block with the response body and returns the response object:'/todos', 'xyzzy') do |res|
  p res
end # => #<Net::HTTPCreated 201 Created readbody=true>


"{\n  \"xyzzy\": \"\",\n  \"id\": 201\n}"
No documentation available

Sets the body stream for the request:

req =          # => #<Net::HTTP::Post POST>
req.body_stream                         # => nil
require 'stringio'
req.body_stream ='xyzzy') # => #<StringIO:0x0000027d1e5affa8>
req.body_stream                         # => #<StringIO:0x0000027d1e5affa8>


Returns the full path for an HTTP request, as required by Net::HTTP::Get.

If the URI contains a query, the full path is URI#path + ‘?’ + URI#query. Otherwise, the path is simply URI#path.


uri = '/foo/bar', query: 'test=true')
uri.request_uri #  => "/foo/bar?test=true"

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Location.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Comment.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for MagicComment.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseError.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseWarning.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Result.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseResult.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for LexResult.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseLexResult.

Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Token.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Override to display the default values of the command options. (similar to arguments, but displays the default values).

For example:

def defaults_str
  --no-gems-first --no-all

Verifies entry in a .gem file.

returns an integer in (-infty, 0] a number closer to 0 means the dependency is less constraining

dependencies w/ 0 or 1 possibilities (ignoring version requirements) are given very negative values, so they always sort first, before dependencies that are unconstrained

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