Results for: "partition"

break ^^^^^

break foo ^^^^^^^^^

foo ^^^ ^^^^^^^ {} ^^^^^^^^^^^^

case foo; when bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

class Foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

def foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^

def; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

defined? a ^^^^^^^^^^

defined?(a) ^^^^^^^^^^^

if foo then bar else baz end


begin; foo; ensure; bar; end


false ^^^^^

1.0 ^^^

for foo in bar do end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

{} ^^

if foo then bar end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

bar if foo ^^^^^^^^^^

foo ? bar : baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

case foo; in bar; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

1 ^

-> {} ^^^^^

A node that is missing from the syntax tree. This is only used in the case of a syntax error. The parser gem doesn’t have such a concept, so we invent our own here.

module Foo; end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

next ^^^^

next foo ^^^^^^^^

nil ^^^

a or b ^^^^^^

The top-level program node.

0..5 ^^^^

redo ^^^^

begin; rescue; end

Search took: 2ms  ·  Total Results: 3065