Results for: "tally"


# Automatically freeing the pointer when the block is exited - recommended
Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE) do |pointer|

# Manually freeing but relying on the garbage collector otherwise
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE)

# Relying on the garbage collector - may lead to unlimited memory allocated before freeing any, but safe
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE)

# Only manually freeing
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size)
ensure pointer

# No free function and no call to free - the native memory will leak if the pointer is garbage collected
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size)

Allocate size bytes of memory and associate it with an optional freefunc.

If a block is supplied, the pointer will be yielded to the block instead of being returned, and the return value of the block will be returned. A freefunc must be supplied if a block is.

If a freefunc is supplied it will be called once, when the pointer is garbage collected or when the block is left if a block is supplied or when the user calls call_free, whichever happens first. freefunc must be an address pointing to a function or an instance of Fiddle::Function.

No documentation available

Returns all specifications. This method is discouraged from use. You probably want to use one of the Enumerable methods instead.

Sets the known specs to specs.

Returns the list of all specifications in the record

Sets the specs known by the record to specs.

Main interface. Expand current indentation, before expanding to a lower indentation

No documentation available

Call all of the document “cleaners” and return self

No documentation available

Main search loop

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

True if the gems in the system satisfy dependency.

Performs various checks before installing the gem such as the install repository is writable and its directories exist, required Ruby and rubygems versions are met and that dependencies are installed.

Version and dependency checks are skipped if this install is forced.

The dependent check will be skipped if the install is ignoring dependencies.

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No documentation available

Installs from the gem dependencies files in the :gemdeps option in options, yielding to the block as in install.

If :without_groups is given in the options, those groups in the gem dependencies file are not used. See Gem::Installer for other options.

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No documentation available

Default options for the gem install and update commands.

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