Results for: "partition"

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Private method to assemble query from attributes, scope, filter, and extensions.

Returns URL-escaped string following RFC 3986.

Returns URL-unescaped string following RFC 3986.

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No documentation available

Writes a number of random generated bytes (currently 1024) to filename which can be used to initialize the PRNG by calling ::load_random_file in a later session.

Calls the block with each capitalized field name:

res = Net::HTTP.get_response(hostname, '/todos/1')
res.each_capitalized_name do |key|
  p key if key.start_with?('C')



The capitalization is system-dependent; see Case Mapping.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Sets the value of field 'Content-Type'; returns the new value; see Content-Type request header:

req =
req.set_content_type('application/json') # => ["application/json"]

Net::HTTPHeader#content_type= is an alias for Net::HTTPHeader#set_content_type.

Yields to a block and preserves the previous set of objects being printed.

A pretty print for a pair of Hash

Creates a self-signed certificate with an issuer and subject from email, a subject alternative name of email and the given extensions for the key.

No documentation available

Asks for a password with a prompt

No documentation available
No documentation available

Run UDP/IP server loop on the given sockets.

The return value of Socket.udp_server_sockets is appropriate for the argument.

It calls the block for each message received.

Add a list of paths to the $LOAD_PATH at the proper place.

Open a file with given flags, and protect access with flock

No documentation available

Returns a URL-encoded string derived from the given string str.

The returned string:


In either case, the returned string has forced encoding Encoding::US_ASCII.

Related: URI.encode_uri_component (encodes ' ' as '%20').

Returns a string decoded from the given URL-encoded string str.

The given string is first encoded as Encoding::ASCII-8BIT (using String#b), then decoded (as below), and finally force-encoded to the given encoding enc.

The returned string:

Related: URI.decode_uri_component (preserves '+').

Returns the string that is used to insert a space before the ‘:’ in JSON objects.

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