Results for: "partition"

Same as IO.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

Returns true if stat is writable by the effective user id of this process.

File.stat("testfile").writable?   #=> true

Returns true if the file is a character device, false if it isn’t or if the operating system doesn’t support this feature.

File.stat("/dev/tty").chardev?   #=> true

If the buffer is shared, meaning it references memory that can be shared with other processes (and thus might change without being modified locally).

# Create a test file:
File.write('test.txt', 'test')

# Create a shared mapping from the given file, the file must be opened in
# read-write mode unless we also specify IO::Buffer::READONLY:
buffer ='test.txt', 'r+'), nil, 0)
# => #<IO::Buffer 0x00007f1bffd5e000+4 EXTERNAL MAPPED SHARED>

# Write to the buffer, which will modify the mapped file:
buffer.set_string('b', 0)
# => 1

# The file itself is modified:'test.txt')
# => "best"

If the buffer is read only, meaning the buffer cannot be modified using set_value, set_string or copy and similar.

Frozen strings and read-only files create read-only buffers.

Fill buffer with value, starting with offset and going for length bytes.

buffer = IO::Buffer.for('test').dup
# =>
#   <IO::Buffer 0x00007fca40087c38+4 INTERNAL>
#   0x00000000  74 65 73 74         test

# =>
#   <IO::Buffer 0x00007fca40087c38+4 INTERNAL>
#   0x00000000  00 00 00 00         ....

buf.clear(1) # fill with 1
# =>
#   <IO::Buffer 0x00007fca40087c38+4 INTERNAL>
#   0x00000000  01 01 01 01         ....

buffer.clear(2, 1, 2) # fill with 2, starting from offset 1, for 2 bytes
# =>
#   <IO::Buffer 0x00007fca40087c38+4 INTERNAL>
#   0x00000000  01 02 02 01         ....

buffer.clear(2, 1) # fill with 2, starting from offset 1
# =>
#   <IO::Buffer 0x00007fca40087c38+4 INTERNAL>
#   0x00000000  01 02 02 02         ....

Write at least length bytes from the buffer starting at offset, into the io. If an error occurs, return -errno.

If length is not given or nil, it defaults to the size of the buffer minus the offset, i.e. the entire buffer.

If length is zero, exactly one write operation will occur.

If offset is not given, it defaults to zero, i.e. the beginning of the buffer.

out ='output.txt', 'wb')
IO::Buffer.for('1234567').write(out, 3)

This leads to 123 being written into output.txt

Write at least length bytes from the buffer starting at offset, into the io starting at the specified from position. If an error occurs, return -errno.

If length is not given or nil, it defaults to the size of the buffer minus the offset, i.e. the entire buffer.

If length is zero, exactly one pwrite operation will occur.

If offset is not given, it defaults to zero, i.e. the beginning of the buffer.

If the from position is beyond the end of the file, the gap will be filled with null (0 value) bytes.

out ='output.txt', File::RDWR) # open for read/write, no truncation
IO::Buffer.for('1234567').pwrite(out, 2, 3, 1)

This leads to 234 (3 bytes, starting from position 1) being written into output.txt, starting from file position 2.

Returns the path of this instruction sequence.

<compiled> if the iseq was evaluated from a string.

For example, using irb:

iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile('num = 1 + 2')
#=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>>
#=> "<compiled>"

Using ::compile_file:

# /tmp/method.rb
def hello
  puts "hello, world"

# in irb
> iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file('/tmp/method.rb')
> iseq.path #=> /tmp/method.rb

Set path for which this cookie applies

Set whether the Cookie is a httponly cookie or not.

val must be a boolean.

No documentation available

Returns the IP address for the connection.

If the session has not been started, returns the value set by ipaddr=, or nil if it has not been set:

http =
http.ipaddr # => nil
http.ipaddr = ''
http.ipaddr # => ""

If the session has been started, returns the IP address from the socket:

http =
http.ipaddr # => ""

Sets the IP address for the connection:

http =
http.ipaddr # => nil
http.ipaddr = ''
http.ipaddr # => ""

The IP address may not be set if the session has been started.

No documentation available

Sends a PATCH request to the server; returns an instance of a subclass of Net::HTTPResponse.

The request is based on the Net::HTTP::Patch object created from string path, string data, and initial headers hash initheader.

With a block given, calls the block with the response body:

data = '{"userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false}'
http =
http.patch('/todos/1', data) do |res|
  p res
end # => #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>


"{\n  \"userId\": 1,\n  \"id\": 1,\n  \"title\": \"delectus aut autem\",\n  \"completed\": false,\n  \"{\\\"userId\\\": 1, \\\"id\\\": 1, \\\"title\\\": \\\"delectus aut autem\\\", \\\"completed\\\": false}\": \"\"\n}"

With no block given, simply returns the response object:

http.patch('/todos/1', data) # => #<Net::HTTPCreated 201 Created readbody=true>

Sends a PROPPATCH request to the server; returns an instance of a subclass of Net::HTTPResponse.

The request is based on the Net::HTTP::Proppatch object created from string path, string body, and initial headers hash initheader.

data = '{"userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false}'
http =
http.proppatch('/todos/1', data)

Returns the IP address for the connection.

If the session has not been started, returns the value set by ipaddr=, or nil if it has not been set:

http =
http.ipaddr # => nil
http.ipaddr = ''
http.ipaddr # => ""

If the session has been started, returns the IP address from the socket:

http =
http.ipaddr # => ""

Sets the IP address for the connection:

http =
http.ipaddr # => nil
http.ipaddr = ''
http.ipaddr # => ""

The IP address may not be set if the session has been started.

No documentation available

Sends a PATCH request to the server; returns an instance of a subclass of Net::HTTPResponse.

The request is based on the Net::HTTP::Patch object created from string path, string data, and initial headers hash initheader.

With a block given, calls the block with the response body:

data = '{"userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false}'
http =
http.patch('/todos/1', data) do |res|
  p res
end # => #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>


"{\n  \"userId\": 1,\n  \"id\": 1,\n  \"title\": \"delectus aut autem\",\n  \"completed\": false,\n  \"{\\\"userId\\\": 1, \\\"id\\\": 1, \\\"title\\\": \\\"delectus aut autem\\\", \\\"completed\\\": false}\": \"\"\n}"

With no block given, simply returns the response object:

http.patch('/todos/1', data) # => #<Net::HTTPCreated 201 Created readbody=true>

Sends a PROPPATCH request to the server; returns an instance of a subclass of Net::HTTPResponse.

The request is based on the Net::HTTP::Proppatch object created from string path, string body, and initial headers hash initheader.

data = '{"userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false}'
http =
http.proppatch('/todos/1', data)
No documentation available


Returns the authority for an HTTP uri, as defined in

Example: '', path: '/foo/bar').authority #=> "" '', port: 8000, path: '/foo/bar').authority #=> "" '', port: 80, path: '/foo/bar').authority #=> ""
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