Results for: "partition"

Upcases the first character in self; downcases the remaining characters; returns self if any changes were made, nil otherwise:

s = 'hello World!' # => "hello World!"
s.capitalize!      # => "Hello world!"
s                  # => "Hello world!"
s.capitalize!      # => nil

The casing may be affected by the given options; see Case Mapping.

Related: String#capitalize.

Returns an array of substrings of self that are the result of splitting self at each occurrence of the given field separator field_sep.

When field_sep is $;:

When field_sep is ' ' and limit is 0 (its default value), the split occurs at each sequence of whitespace:

'abc def ghi'.split(' ')         => ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
"abc \n\tdef\t\n  ghi".split(' ') # => ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
'abc  def   ghi'.split(' ')      => ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
''.split(' ')                    => []

When field_sep is a string different from ' ' and limit is 0, the split occurs at each occurrence of field_sep; trailing empty substrings are not returned:

'abracadabra'.split('ab')  => ["", "racad", "ra"]
'aaabcdaaa'.split('a')     => ["", "", "", "bcd"]
''.split('a')              => []
'3.14159'.split('1')       => ["3.", "4", "59"]
'!@#$%^$&*($)_+'.split('$') # => ["!@#", "%^", "&*(", ")_+"]
'тест'.split('т')          => ["", "ес"]
'こんにちは'.split('に')     => ["こん", "ちは"]

When field_sep is a Regexp and limit is 0, the split occurs at each occurrence of a match; trailing empty substrings are not returned:

'abracadabra'.split(/ab/) # => ["", "racad", "ra"]
'aaabcdaaa'.split(/a/)   => ["", "", "", "bcd"]
'aaabcdaaa'.split(//)    => ["a", "a", "a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "a", "a"]
'1 + 1 == 2'.split(/\W+/) # => ["1", "1", "2"]

If the Regexp contains groups, their matches are also included in the returned array:

'1:2:3'.split(/(:)()()/, 2) # => ["1", ":", "", "", "2:3"]

As seen above, if limit is 0, trailing empty substrings are not returned:

'aaabcdaaa'.split('a')   => ["", "", "", "bcd"]

If limit is positive integer n, no more than n - 1- splits occur, so that at most n substrings are returned, and trailing empty substrings are included:

'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 1) # => ["aaabcdaaa"]
'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 2) # => ["", "aabcdaaa"]
'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 5) # => ["", "", "", "bcd", "aa"]
'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 7) # => ["", "", "", "bcd", "", "", ""]
'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', 8) # => ["", "", "", "bcd", "", "", ""]

Note that if field_sep is a Regexp containing groups, their matches are in the returned array, but do not count toward the limit.

If limit is negative, it behaves the same as if limit was zero, meaning that there is no limit, and trailing empty substrings are included:

'aaabcdaaa'.split('a', -1) # => ["", "", "", "bcd", "", "", ""]

If a block is given, it is called with each substring:

'abc def ghi'.split(' ') {|substring| p substring }



Related: String#partition, String#rpartition.

Returns an array of the characters in self:

'hello'.chars     # => ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
'тест'.chars      # => ["т", "е", "с", "т"]
'こんにちは'.chars # => ["こ", "ん", "に", "ち", "は"]

Concatenates each object in objects to self and returns self:

s = 'foo'
s.concat('bar', 'baz') # => "foobarbaz"
s                      # => "foobarbaz"

For each given object object that is an Integer, the value is considered a codepoint and converted to a character before concatenation:

s = 'foo'
s.concat(32, 'bar', 32, 'baz') # => "foo bar baz"

Related: String#<<, which takes a single argument.

Returns 0 if self is positive, Math::PI otherwise.



f = 1.0/0.0  # => Infinity
f.infinite?  # => 1
f = -1.0/0.0 # => -Infinity
f.infinite?  # => -1
f = 1.0      # => 1.0
f.infinite?  # => nil
f = 0.0/0.0  # => NaN
f.infinite?  # => nil

Returns true if self is not Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN, false otherwise:

f = 2.0      # => 2.0
f.finite?    # => true
f = 1.0/0.0  # => Infinity
f.finite?    # => false
f = -1.0/0.0 # => -Infinity
f.finite?    # => false
f = 0.0/0.0  # => NaN
f.finite?    # => false
No documentation available

Returns the dirpath string that was used to create self (or nil if created by method Dir.for_fd):'example').path # => "example"

Returns the real (absolute) pathname of pathname in the actual filesystem not containing symlinks or useless dots.

If dir_string is given, it is used as a base directory for interpreting relative pathname instead of the current directory.

All components of the pathname must exist when this method is called.

Returns the real (absolute) pathname of pathname in the actual filesystem. The real pathname doesn’t contain symlinks or useless dots.

If dir_string is given, it is used as a base directory for interpreting relative pathname instead of the current directory.

The last component of the real pathname can be nonexistent.

Returns the string representation of the path

File.path(File::NULL)           #=> "/dev/null"
File.path("/tmp")) #=> "/tmp"

Splits the given string into a directory and a file component and returns them in a two-element array. See also File::dirname and File::basename.

File.split("/home/gumby/.profile")   #=> ["/home/gumby", ".profile"]

Returns true if the named file is writable by the effective user and group id of this process. See eaccess(3).

Note that some OS-level security features may cause this to return true even though the file is not writable by the effective user/group.

Returns true if filepath points to a character device, false otherwise.

File.chardev?($stdin)     # => true
File.chardev?('t.txt')     # => false

Returns the receiver.

string = "my string"
string.itself.object_id == string.object_id   #=> true

Return the arguments passed in as the third parameter to the constructor.

In the first form, returns an array of the names of all constants accessible from the point of call. This list includes the names of all modules and classes defined in the global scope.

   # => [:ARGF, :ARGV, :ArgumentError, :Array]

Module.constants.include?(:SEEK_SET)   # => false

class IO
  Module.constants.include?(:SEEK_SET) # => true

The second form calls the instance method constants.

Returns an array of the names of the constants accessible in mod. This includes the names of constants in any included modules (example at start of section), unless the inherit parameter is set to false.

The implementation makes no guarantees about the order in which the constants are yielded.

IO.constants.include?(:SYNC)        #=> true
IO.constants(false).include?(:SYNC) #=> false

Also see Module#const_defined?.

Returns the year:, 2, 3).year    # => 2001
(, 1, 1) - 1).year # => 0

Returns the month in range (1..12):, 2, 3).mon # => 2

Returns the month in range (1..12):, 2, 3).mon # => 2

Returns commercial-date year for self (see Date.commercial):, 2, 3).cwyear # => 2001, 1, 1).cwyear # => 1999

Returns true if self is a Monday, false otherwise.

Equivalent to Date#new_start with argument Date::ITALY.

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