Results for: "minmax"

attr_reader closing_loc: Location

attr_reader opening_loc: Location

attr_reader closing_loc: Location

attr_reader opening_loc: Location

attr_reader closing_loc: Location

def multi_line?: () -> bool

def windows_31j?: () -> bool

def experimental_everything?: () -> bool

attr_reader opening_loc: Location?

attr_reader closing_loc: Location?

Occasionally it’s helpful to treat a string as if it were interpolated so that there’s a consistent interface for working with strings.

attr_reader opening_loc: Location?

attr_reader closing_loc: Location?

attr_reader closing_loc: Location?

def begin_modifier?: () -> bool

attr_reader closing_loc: Location?

def begin_modifier?: () -> bool

attr_reader opening_loc: Location

attr_reader closing_loc: Location

Occasionally it’s helpful to treat a string as if it were interpolated so that there’s a consistent interface for working with strings.

Return the byte offset of the start of the line corresponding to the given byte offset.

Returns the byte offset of the end of the line corresponding to the given byte offset.

These are the comments that are associated with this location that exist before the start of this location.

Attach a comment to the leading comments of this location.

These are the comments that are associated with this location that exist after the end of this location.

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