Results for: "uniq"

Returns the total number of characters in self that are specified by the given selectors (see Multiple Character Selectors):

a = "hello world"
a.count "lo"                   #=> 5
a.count "lo", "o"              #=> 2
a.count "hello", "^l"          #=> 4
a.count "ej-m"                 #=> 4

"hello^world".count "\\^aeiou" #=> 4
"hello-world".count "a\\-eo"   #=> 4

c = "hello world\\r\\n"
c.count "\\"                   #=> 2
c.count "\\A"                  #=> 0
c.count "X-\\w"                #=> 3

Returns self rounded to the nearest value with a precision of ndigits decimal digits.

When ndigits is non-negative, returns a float with ndigits after the decimal point (as available):

f = 12345.6789
f.round(1) # => 12345.7
f.round(3) # => 12345.679
f = -12345.6789
f.round(1) # => -12345.7
f.round(3) # => -12345.679

When ndigits is negative, returns an integer with at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros:

f = 12345.6789
f.round(0)  # => 12346
f.round(-3) # => 12000
f = -12345.6789
f.round(0)  # => -12346
f.round(-3) # => -12000

If keyword argument half is given, and self is equidistant from the two candidate values, the rounding is according to the given half value:

Raises and exception if the value for half is invalid.

Related: Float#truncate.

Returns self truncated (toward zero) to a precision of ndigits decimal digits.

When ndigits is positive, returns a float with ndigits digits after the decimal point (as available):

f = 12345.6789
f.truncate(1) # => 12345.6
f.truncate(3) # => 12345.678
f = -12345.6789
f.truncate(1) # => -12345.6
f.truncate(3) # => -12345.678

When ndigits is negative, returns an integer with at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros:

f = 12345.6789
f.truncate(0)  # => 12345
f.truncate(-3) # => 12000
f = -12345.6789
f.truncate(0)  # => -12345
f.truncate(-3) # => -12000

Note that the limited precision of floating-point arithmetic may lead to surprising results:

(0.3 / 0.1).truncate  #=> 2 (!)

Related: Float#round.



f = 1.0/0.0  # => Infinity
f.infinite?  # => 1
f = -1.0/0.0 # => -Infinity
f.infinite?  # => -1
f = 1.0      # => 1.0
f.infinite?  # => nil
f = 0.0/0.0  # => NaN
f.infinite?  # => nil

Returns true if self is not Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN, false otherwise:

f = 2.0      # => 2.0
f.finite?    # => true
f = 1.0/0.0  # => Infinity
f.finite?    # => false
f = -1.0/0.0 # => -Infinity
f.finite?    # => false
f = 0.0/0.0  # => NaN
f.finite?    # => false
No documentation available

Removes the directory at dirpath from the underlying file system:

Dir.rmdir('foo') # => 0

Raises an exception if the directory is not empty.

Deletes the named files, returning the number of names passed as arguments. Raises an exception on any error. Since the underlying implementation relies on the unlink(2) system call, the type of exception raised depends on its error type (see and has the form of e.g. Errno::ENOENT.

See also Dir::rmdir.

Truncates the file file_name to be at most integer bytes long. Not available on all platforms.

f ="out", "w")
f.write("1234567890")     #=> 10
f.close                   #=> nil
File.truncate("out", 5)   #=> 0
File.size("out")          #=> 5

Truncates file to at most integer bytes. The file must be opened for writing. Not available on all platforms.

f ="out", "w")
f.syswrite("1234567890")   #=> 10
f.truncate(5)              #=> 0
f.close()                  #=> nil
File.size("out")           #=> 5

Only the object nil responds true to nil?.   #=> false
nil.nil?          #=> true

Returns true if self is a Sunday, false otherwise.

Returns false

Returns a new Time object whose numeric value is that of self, with its seconds value rounded to precision ndigits:

t = Time.utc(2010, 3, 30, 5, 43, 25.123456789r)
t          # => 2010-03-30 05:43:25.123456789 UTC
t.round    # => 2010-03-30 05:43:25 UTC
t.round(0) # => 2010-03-30 05:43:25 UTC
t.round(1) # => 2010-03-30 05:43:25.1 UTC
t.round(2) # => 2010-03-30 05:43:25.12 UTC
t.round(3) # => 2010-03-30 05:43:25.123 UTC
t.round(4) # => 2010-03-30 05:43:25.1235 UTC

t = Time.utc(1999, 12,31, 23, 59, 59)
t                # => 1999-12-31 23:59:59 UTC
(t + 0.4).round  # => 1999-12-31 23:59:59 UTC
(t + 0.49).round # => 1999-12-31 23:59:59 UTC
(t + 0.5).round  # => 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
(t + 1.4).round  # => 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
(t + 1.49).round # => 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
(t + 1.5).round  # => 2000-01-01 00:00:01 UTC

Related: Time#ceil, Time#floor.

Returns true if self represents a Sunday, false otherwise:

t = Time.utc(2000, 1, 2) # => 2000-01-02 00:00:00 UTC
t.sunday?                # => true

Related: Time#monday?, Time#tuesday?, Time#wednesday?.

Pushes back (“unshifts”) the given data onto the stream’s buffer, placing the data so that it is next to be read; returns nil. See Byte IO.

Note that:

When argument integer is given, uses only its low-order byte:

File.write('t.tmp', '012')
f ='t.tmp')
f.ungetbyte(0x41)   # => nil              # => "A012"
f.ungetbyte(0x4243) # => nil              # => "C012"

When argument string is given, uses all bytes:

File.write('t.tmp', '012')
f ='t.tmp')
f.ungetbyte('A')    # => nil              # => "A012"
f.ungetbyte('BCDE') # => nil              # => "BCDE012"

Pushes back (“unshifts”) the given data onto the stream’s buffer, placing the data so that it is next to be read; returns nil. See Character IO.

Note that:

When argument integer is given, interprets the integer as a character:

File.write('t.tmp', '012')
f ='t.tmp')
f.ungetc(0x41)     # => nil             # => "A012"
f.ungetc(0x0442)   # => nil
f.getc.ord         # => 1090

When argument string is given, uses all characters:

File.write('t.tmp', '012')
f ='t.tmp')
f.ungetc('A')      # => nil      # => "A012"
f.ungetc("\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442") # => nil
f.getc.ord      # => 1090
f.getc.ord      # => 1077
f.getc.ord      # => 1089
f.getc.ord      # => 1090

Returns the count of elements, based on an argument or block criterion, if given.

With no argument and no block given, returns the number of elements:

(1..4).count      # => 4
(1...4).count     # => 3
('a'..'d').count  # => 4
('a'...'d').count # => 3
(1..).count       # => Infinity
(..4).count       # => Infinity

With argument object, returns the number of object found in self, which will usually be zero or one:

(1..4).count(2)   # => 1
(1..4).count(5)   # => 0
(1..4).count('a')  # => 0

With a block given, calls the block with each element; returns the number of elements for which the block returns a truthy value:

(1..4).count {|element| element < 3 } # => 2

Related: Range#size.

Returns the absolute value of rat.

(1/2r).abs    #=> (1/2)
(-1/2r).abs   #=> (1/2)

Returns rat truncated (toward zero) to a precision of ndigits decimal digits (default: 0).

When the precision is negative, the returned value is an integer with at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros.

Returns a rational when ndigits is positive, otherwise returns an integer.

Rational(3).truncate      #=> 3
Rational(2, 3).truncate   #=> 0
Rational(-3, 2).truncate  #=> -1

  #    decimal      -  1  2  3 . 4  5  6
  #                   ^  ^  ^  ^   ^  ^
  #   precision      -3 -2 -1  0  +1 +2

Rational('-123.456').truncate(+1).to_f  #=> -123.4
Rational('-123.456').truncate(-1)       #=> -120

Returns rat rounded to the nearest value with a precision of ndigits decimal digits (default: 0).

When the precision is negative, the returned value is an integer with at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros.

Returns a rational when ndigits is positive, otherwise returns an integer.

Rational(3).round      #=> 3
Rational(2, 3).round   #=> 1
Rational(-3, 2).round  #=> -2

  #    decimal      -  1  2  3 . 4  5  6
  #                   ^  ^  ^  ^   ^  ^
  #   precision      -3 -2 -1  0  +1 +2

Rational('-123.456').round(+1).to_f  #=> -123.5
Rational('-123.456').round(-1)       #=> -120

The optional half keyword argument is available similar to Float#round.

Rational(25, 100).round(1, half: :up)    #=> (3/10)
Rational(25, 100).round(1, half: :down)  #=> (1/5)
Rational(25, 100).round(1, half: :even)  #=> (1/5)
Rational(35, 100).round(1, half: :up)    #=> (2/5)
Rational(35, 100).round(1, half: :down)  #=> (3/10)
Rational(35, 100).round(1, half: :even)  #=> (2/5)
Rational(-25, 100).round(1, half: :up)   #=> (-3/10)
Rational(-25, 100).round(1, half: :down) #=> (-1/5)
Rational(-25, 100).round(1, half: :even) #=> (-1/5)
No documentation available

Returns true if self points to a mountpoint.

Truncates the file to length bytes.

See File.truncate.

Removes a file or directory, using File.unlink if self is a file, or Dir.unlink as necessary.

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