Results for: "match"

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This exception is raised if a generator or unparser error occurs.

OpenSSL::HMAC allows computing Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC). It is a type of message authentication code (MAC) involving a hash function in combination with a key. HMAC can be used to verify the integrity of a message as well as the authenticity.

OpenSSL::HMAC has a similar interface to OpenSSL::Digest.

HMAC-SHA256 using one-shot interface

key = "key"
data = "message-to-be-authenticated"
mac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("SHA256", key, data)
#=> "cddb0db23f469c8bf072b21fd837149bd6ace9ab771cceef14c9e517cc93282e"

HMAC-SHA256 using incremental interface

data1 = File.binread("file1")
data2 = File.binread("file2")
key = "key"
hmac =, 'SHA256')
hmac << data1
hmac << data2
mac = hmac.digest

Document-class: OpenSSL::HMAC

OpenSSL::HMAC allows computing Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC). It is a type of message authentication code (MAC) involving a hash function in combination with a key. HMAC can be used to verify the integrity of a message as well as the authenticity.

OpenSSL::HMAC has a similar interface to OpenSSL::Digest.

HMAC-SHA256 using one-shot interface

key = "key"
data = "message-to-be-authenticated"
mac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("SHA256", key, data)
#=> "cddb0db23f469c8bf072b21fd837149bd6ace9ab771cceef14c9e517cc93282e"

HMAC-SHA256 using incremental interface

data1 = File.binread("file1")
data2 = File.binread("file2")
key = "key"
hmac =, 'SHA256')
hmac << data1
hmac << data2
mac = hmac.digest

Subclasses ‘BadAlias` for backwards compatibility

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Thrown when PTY::check is called for a pid that represents a process that has exited.

Socket::AncillaryData represents the ancillary data (control information) used by sendmsg and recvmsg system call. It contains socket family, control message (cmsg) level, cmsg type and cmsg data.

Subclass of Zlib::Error when zlib returns a Z_DATA_ERROR.

Usually if a stream was prematurely freed.

Zlib::Deflate is the class for compressing data. See Zlib::ZStream for more information.

Zlib:Inflate is the class for decompressing compressed data. Unlike Zlib::Deflate, an instance of this class is not able to duplicate (clone, dup) itself.

Objects of class File::Stat encapsulate common status information for File objects. The information is recorded at the moment the File::Stat object is created; changes made to the file after that point will not be reflected. File::Stat objects are returned by IO#stat, File::stat, File#lstat, and File::lstat. Many of these methods return platform-specific values, and not all values are meaningful on all systems. See also Kernel#test.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

spell checker for a dictionary that has a tree structure, see doc/

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Response class for Created responses (status code 201).

The Created response indicates that the server has received and has fulfilled a request to create a new resource.


Response class for Reset Content responses (status code 205).

The Reset Content response indicates that the server successfully processed the request, asks that the client reset its document view, and is not returning any content.


Response class for Multi-Status (WebDAV) responses (status code 207).

The Multi-Status (WebDAV) response indicates that the server has received the request, and that the message body can contain a number of separate response codes.


Response class for Multiple Choices responses (status code 300).

The Multiple Choices response indicates that the server offers multiple options for the resource from which the client may choose.


Response class for Multiple Choices responses (status code 300).

The Multiple Choices response indicates that the server offers multiple options for the resource from which the client may choose.


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