Results for: "tally"

Represents an alternation pattern in pattern matching.

foo => bar | baz

Represents a block local variable.

a { |; b| }

Represents writing to a class variable in a context that doesn’t have an explicit value.

@@foo, @@bar = baz
^^^^^  ^^^^^

Represents the use of the ‘&&=` operator for assignment to a constant path.

Parent::Child &&= value

Represents accessing a constant through a path of ‘::` operators.


Represents assigning to a constant path using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.

Parent::Child += value

Represents the use of the ‘||=` operator for assignment to a constant path.

Parent::Child ||= value

Represents writing to a constant path.

::Foo = 1

Foo::Bar = 1

::Foo::Bar = 1

Represents referencing a constant.


Represents writing to a constant.

Foo = 1

Represents an interpolated set of statements.

"foo #{bar}"

Represents the use of the literal ‘false` keyword.


Represents referencing a global variable.


Represents writing to a global variable.

$foo = 1

Represents assigning to an index.

foo[bar], = 1

rescue => foo[bar]

for foo[bar] in baz do end

Represents referencing an instance variable.


Represents writing to an instance variable.

@foo = 1

Represents reading a local variable. Note that this requires that a local variable of the same name has already been written to in the same scope, otherwise it is parsed as a method call.


Represents writing to a local variable.

foo = 1

Represents a multi-target expression.

a, (b, c) = 1, 2, 3

Represents an optional keyword parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.

def a(b: 1)

Represents an optional parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.

def a(b = 1)

Represents a rational number literal.


This node wraps a constant write to indicate that when the value is written, it should have its shareability state modified.

# shareable_constant_value: literal
C = { a: 1 }

Represents a set of statements contained within some scope.

foo; bar; baz
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