Results for: "partition"

Inspect a MultiWriteNode node.

Inspect a RegularExpressionNode node.

Copy a ForwardingParameterNode node

Copy a ItParametersNode node

Copy a MultiTargetNode node

Copy a MultiWriteNode node

Copy a RegularExpressionNode node

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Add the install/update options to the option parser.

Add local/remote options to the command line parser.

Add the –bulk-threshold option

Add the –update-sources option

foo => bar | baz


Perform hostname verification following RFC 6125.

This method MUST be called after calling connect to ensure that the hostname of a remote peer has been verified.

1r ^^

Create an exception with class klass and message

No documentation available
No documentation available

returns the directory nesting of the extension, ignoring the first part, so “ext/foo/bar/Cargo.toml” becomes “foo/bar”

Attempts to return an array, based on the given object.

If object is an array, returns object.

Otherwise if object responds to :to_ary. calls object.to_ary: if the return value is an array or nil, returns that value; if not, raises TypeError.

Otherwise returns nil.

Related: see Methods for Creating an Array.

If object is an Integer object, returns object.

Integer.try_convert(1) # => 1

Otherwise if object responds to :to_int, calls object.to_int and returns the result.

Integer.try_convert(1.25) # => 1

Returns nil if object does not respond to :to_int

Integer.try_convert([]) # => nil

Raises an exception unless object.to_int returns an Integer object.

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