Results for: "partition"

Returns the parameter information of this proc. If the lambda keyword is provided and not nil, treats the proc as a lambda if true and as a non-lambda if false.

prc = proc{|x, y=42, *other|}
prc.parameters  #=> [[:opt, :x], [:opt, :y], [:rest, :other]]
prc = lambda{|x, y=42, *other|}
prc.parameters  #=> [[:req, :x], [:opt, :y], [:rest, :other]]
prc = proc{|x, y=42, *other|}
prc.parameters(lambda: true)  #=> [[:req, :x], [:opt, :y], [:rest, :other]]
prc = lambda{|x, y=42, *other|}
prc.parameters(lambda: false) #=> [[:opt, :x], [:opt, :y], [:rest, :other]]

Returns an indication of the number of arguments accepted by a method. Returns a nonnegative integer for methods that take a fixed number of arguments. For Ruby methods that take a variable number of arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of required arguments. Keyword arguments will be considered as a single additional argument, that argument being mandatory if any keyword argument is mandatory. For methods written in C, returns -1 if the call takes a variable number of arguments.

class C
  def one;    end
  def two(a); end
  def three(*a);  end
  def four(a, b); end
  def five(a, b, *c);    end
  def six(a, b, *c, &d); end
  def seven(a, b, x:0); end
  def eight(x:, y:); end
  def nine(x:, y:, **z); end
  def ten(*a, x:, y:); end
c =
c.method(:one).arity     #=> 0
c.method(:two).arity     #=> 1
c.method(:three).arity   #=> -1
c.method(:four).arity    #=> 2
c.method(:five).arity    #=> -3
c.method(:six).arity     #=> -3
c.method(:seven).arity   #=> -3
c.method(:eight).arity   #=> 1
c.method(:nine).arity    #=> 1
c.method(:ten).arity     #=> -2

"cat".method(:size).arity      #=> 0
"cat".method(:replace).arity   #=> 1
"cat".method(:squeeze).arity   #=> -1
"cat".method(:count).arity     #=> -1

Returns the parameter information of this method.

def foo(bar); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar]]

def foo(bar, baz, bat, &blk); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar], [:req, :baz], [:req, :bat], [:block, :blk]]

def foo(bar, *args); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar], [:rest, :args]]

def foo(bar, baz, *args, &blk); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar], [:req, :baz], [:rest, :args], [:block, :blk]]

Returns an indication of the number of arguments accepted by a method. Returns a nonnegative integer for methods that take a fixed number of arguments. For Ruby methods that take a variable number of arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of required arguments. Keyword arguments will be considered as a single additional argument, that argument being mandatory if any keyword argument is mandatory. For methods written in C, returns -1 if the call takes a variable number of arguments.

class C
  def one;    end
  def two(a); end
  def three(*a);  end
  def four(a, b); end
  def five(a, b, *c);    end
  def six(a, b, *c, &d); end
  def seven(a, b, x:0); end
  def eight(x:, y:); end
  def nine(x:, y:, **z); end
  def ten(*a, x:, y:); end
c =
c.method(:one).arity     #=> 0
c.method(:two).arity     #=> 1
c.method(:three).arity   #=> -1
c.method(:four).arity    #=> 2
c.method(:five).arity    #=> -3
c.method(:six).arity     #=> -3
c.method(:seven).arity   #=> -3
c.method(:eight).arity   #=> 1
c.method(:nine).arity    #=> 1
c.method(:ten).arity     #=> -2

"cat".method(:size).arity      #=> 0
"cat".method(:replace).arity   #=> 1
"cat".method(:squeeze).arity   #=> -1
"cat".method(:count).arity     #=> -1

Returns the parameter information of this method.

def foo(bar); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar]]

def foo(bar, baz, bat, &blk); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar], [:req, :baz], [:req, :bat], [:block, :blk]]

def foo(bar, *args); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar], [:rest, :args]]

def foo(bar, baz, *args, &blk); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar], [:req, :baz], [:rest, :args], [:block, :blk]]

Basically the same as ::new. However, if class Thread is subclassed, then calling start in that subclass will not invoke the subclass’s initialize method.

Returns the priority of thr. Default is inherited from the current thread which creating the new thread, or zero for the initial main thread; higher-priority thread will run more frequently than lower-priority threads (but lower-priority threads can also run).

This is just hint for Ruby thread scheduler. It may be ignored on some platform.

Thread.current.priority   #=> 0

Sets the priority of thr to integer. Higher-priority threads will run more frequently than lower-priority threads (but lower-priority threads can also run).

This is just hint for Ruby thread scheduler. It may be ignored on some platform.

count1 = count2 = 0
a = do
      loop { count1 += 1 }
a.priority = -1

b = do
      loop { count2 += 1 }
b.priority = -2
sleep 1   #=> 1
count1    #=> 622504
count2    #=> 5832

Returns the parameter definitions of the method or block that the current hook belongs to. The format is the same as for Method#parameters.

Enables the coverage measurement. See the documentation of Coverage class in detail. This is equivalent to Coverage.setup and Coverage.resume.

Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given source.

Argument source contains the String to be parsed.

Argument opts, if given, contains a Hash of options for the parsing. See Parsing Options.

When source is a JSON array, returns a Ruby Array:

source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
ruby.class # => Array

When source is a JSON object, returns a Ruby Hash:

source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}'
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil}
ruby.class # => Hash

For examples of parsing for all JSON data types, see Parsing JSON.

Parses nested JSON objects:

source = <<~JSON
  "name": "Dave",
    "age" :40,
    "hats": [
ruby = JSON.parse(source)
ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}

Raises an exception if source is not valid JSON:

# Raises JSON::ParserError (783: unexpected token at ''):


parse(source, opts)

with source and possibly modified opts.

Differences from JSON.parse:

Parse a YAML string in yaml. Returns the Psych::Nodes::Document. filename is used in the exception message if a Psych::SyntaxError is raised.

Raises a Psych::SyntaxError when a YAML syntax error is detected.


Psych.parse("---\n - a\n - b") # => #<Psych::Nodes::Document:0x00>

  Psych.parse("--- `", filename: "file.txt")
rescue Psych::SyntaxError => ex
  ex.file    # => 'file.txt'
  ex.message # => "(file.txt): found character that cannot start any token"

See Psych::Nodes for more information about YAML AST.

Returns a default parser

Returns true if the named file has the sticky bit set.

file_name can be an IO object.

Returns true if the named files are identical.

file_1 and file_2 can be an IO object.

open("a", "w") {}
p File.identical?("a", "a")      #=> true
p File.identical?("a", "./a")    #=> true"a", "b")
p File.identical?("a", "b")      #=> true
File.symlink("a", "c")
p File.identical?("a", "c")      #=> true
open("d", "w") {}
p File.identical?("a", "d")      #=> false

Initiates garbage collection, even if manually disabled.

The full_mark keyword argument determines whether or not to perform a major garbage collection cycle. When set to true, a major garbage collection cycle is run, meaning all objects are marked. When set to false, a minor garbage collection cycle is run, meaning only young objects are marked.

The immediate_mark keyword argument determines whether or not to perform incremental marking. When set to true, marking is completed during the call to this method. When set to false, marking is performed in steps that are interleaved with future Ruby code execution, so marking might not be completed during this method call. Note that if full_mark is false, then marking will always be immediate, regardless of the value of immediate_mark.

The immediate_sweep keyword argument determines whether or not to defer sweeping (using lazy sweep). When set to false, sweeping is performed in steps that are interleaved with future Ruby code execution, so sweeping might not be completed during this method call. When set to true, sweeping is completed during the call to this method.

Note: These keyword arguments are implementation and version-dependent. They are not guaranteed to be future-compatible and may be ignored if the underlying implementation does not support them.

Returns the elapsed real time used to execute the given block. The unit of time is seconds.

Benchmark.realtime { "a" * 1_000_000_000 }
#=> 0.5098029999935534

Returns the elapsed real time used to execute the given block. The unit of time is seconds.

Benchmark.realtime { "a" * 1_000_000_000 }
#=> 0.5098029999935534

Prints the amount of time the supplied block takes to run using the debug UI output.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns a new URI object constructed from the given string uri:

# => #<URI::HTTPS>
# => #<URI::HTTP>

It’s recommended to first ::escape string uri if it may contain invalid URI characters.

Mirror the Prism.parse API by using the serialization API.

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