Results for: "minmax"

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Find cached filename in Gem.path. Returns nil if the file cannot be found.

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if /foo #{bar}/ then end


This method is deprecated and should not be used. This is a no-op.

When *, **, &, or … are used as an argument in a method call, we check if they were allowed by the current context. To determine that we build this lookup table.

Because we have mutated the AST to allow for newlines in the middle of a rational, we need to manually handle the value here.

Like Enumerable#map, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated.

(1..Float::INFINITY) {|i| i**2 }
#=> #<Enumerator::Lazy: #<Enumerator::Lazy: 1..Infinity>:map>
(1..Float::INFINITY) {|i| i**2 }.first(3)
#=> [1, 4, 9]

Rewinds the enumerator chain by calling the “rewind” method on each enumerable in reverse order. Each call is performed only if the enumerable responds to the method.

Returns a printable version of the enumerator chain.

Rewinds the product enumerator by calling the “rewind” method on each enumerable in reverse order. Each call is performed only if the enumerable responds to the method.

Returns a printable version of the product enumerator.

Returns the number that defines the first element of this arithmetic sequence.

Convert this arithmetic sequence to a printable form.

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Allocates a C struct with the types provided.

See Fiddle::Pointer.malloc for memory management issues.


# Automatically freeing the pointer when the block is exited - recommended
Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE) do |pointer|

# Manually freeing but relying on the garbage collector otherwise
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE)

# Relying on the garbage collector - may lead to unlimited memory allocated before freeing any, but safe
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE)

# Only manually freeing
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size)
ensure pointer

# No free function and no call to free - the native memory will leak if the pointer is garbage collected
pointer = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size)

Allocate size bytes of memory and associate it with an optional freefunc.

If a block is supplied, the pointer will be yielded to the block instead of being returned, and the return value of the block will be returned. A freefunc must be supplied if a block is.

If a freefunc is supplied it will be called once, when the pointer is garbage collected or when the block is left if a block is supplied or when the user calls call_free, whichever happens first. freefunc must be an address pointing to a function or an instance of Fiddle::Function.

Returns a string formatted with an easily readable representation of the internal state of the pointer.

See Object#inspect.

Returns the remaining data held in the cipher object. Further calls to Cipher#update or Cipher#final will return garbage. This call should always be made as the last call of an encryption or decryption operation, after having fed the entire plaintext or ciphertext to the Cipher instance.

If an authenticated cipher was used, a CipherError is raised if the tag could not be authenticated successfully. Only call this method after setting the authentication tag and passing the entire contents of the ciphertext into the cipher.

Enables or disables padding. By default encryption operations are padded using standard block padding and the padding is checked and removed when decrypting. If the pad parameter is zero then no padding is performed, the total amount of data encrypted or decrypted must then be a multiple of the block size or an error will occur.

See EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding for further information.

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Returns the authentication code as a hex-encoded string. The digest parameter specifies the digest algorithm to use. This may be a String representing the algorithm name or an instance of OpenSSL::Digest.


key = 'key'
data = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'

hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('SHA1', key, data)
#=> "de7c9b85b8b78aa6bc8a7a36f70a90701c9db4d9"

String representation of this configuration object, including the class name and its sections.

Returns an array of currently loaded engines.

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