Results for: "Dir.chdir"

No documentation available
No documentation available

Extract platform given on the command line

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Adds name with permissions mode to the tar, yielding io for writing the file. The digest_algorithm is written to a read-only name.sum file following the given file contents containing the digest name and hexdigest separated by a tab.

The created digest object is returned.

The required_ruby_version constraint for this specification

A fallback is included because when generated, some marshalled specs have it set to nil.

The required_rubygems_version constraint for this specification

A fallback is included because the original version of the specification API didn’t include that field, so some marshalled specs in the index have it set to nil.

The required_ruby_version constraint for this specification

The required_rubygems_version constraint for this specification

foo in bar ^^^^^^^^^^

foo => bar ^^^^^^^^^^

foo in bar ^^^^^^^^^^

foo => bar ^^^^^^^^^^

When *, **, &, or … are used as an argument in a method call, we check if they were allowed by the current context. To determine that we build this lookup table.

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Like Enumerable#chunk, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated.

Iterates over the elements of the first enumerable by calling the “each” method on it with the given arguments, then proceeds to the following enumerables in sequence until all of the enumerables are exhausted.

If no block is given, returns an enumerator.

Iterates over the elements of the first enumerable by calling the “each_entry” method on it with the given arguments, then proceeds to the following enumerables in sequence until all of the enumerables are exhausted.

If no block is given, returns an enumerator. Otherwise, returns self.

No documentation available

Iterates for each entry in the /etc/passwd file if a block is given.

If no block is given, returns the Enumerator.

The code block is passed an Passwd struct.

See Etc.getpwent above for details.


require 'etc'

Etc::Passwd.each {|u|
  puts + " = " + u.gecos

Etc::Passwd.collect {|u| u.gecos}
Etc::Passwd.collect {|u| u.gecos}

Iterates for each entry in the /etc/group file if a block is given.

If no block is given, returns the Enumerator.

The code block is passed a Group struct.


require 'etc'

Etc::Group.each {|g|
  puts + ": " + g.mem.join(', ')

Etc::Group.collect {|g|} {|g| !g.mem.empty?}
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